Recent content by hfbjr

  1. H

    HCG & HMG AND Clomid?

    Also my original posts on here can be found, as well as my sperm count lab analysis
  2. H

    HCG & HMG AND Clomid?

    I'm not sure you're aware, but I was on a 500 MG dose of test for the longest. Got my sperm count tested and was at 2 million total sperm which is next to nothing. The full panel of testing wasn't even completed. I cut my dose in half to 250 mgs a week, and added 1666 IU'S of HCG everyday...
  3. H

    Trying to conceive. Hmg AND clomid?

    I too was in the same boat as you. Every fertility doc wanted me off testosterone. I scoured the net, even posted here looking for help, which many did on research articles that showed you don't have to come off of trt to conceive. My fertility clinic in Chicago allowed me to stay on. He put me...
  4. H

    2nd semen analysis on 1666 ius hcg

    Just an update. We're 5 weeks pregnant!!!!
  5. H

    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    I don't think your fully reading my posts. We are trying. Haven't just yet my friend.
  6. H

    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    I'm still on testosterone. 250 mgs a week. If you're asking me. Also, while on testosterone, I went from 2million total speem count to 91 million total. My lab results are attached
  7. H

    2nd semen analysis on 1666 ius hcg

    Yes. I supplement with anastrozole as well to control my estrogen, remember I'm still injecting 250 mgs of testosterone a week as well. The only negative side effect and that I don't know why, is my penis gets real sensitive. It's hard to last during sex.
  8. H

    2nd semen analysis on 1666 ius hcg

    There's hope! I had 2 million total. In fact they couldn't even complete the analysis my sample was too small. 5 months later I'm at 91 million as my attached seven analysis shows. Hcg works.
  9. H

    2nd semen analysis on 1666 ius hcg

    Have you done a semen analysis prior to starting hcg?
  10. H

    2nd semen analysis on 1666 ius hcg

    That's a question better left to the experts. All I can tell you is what worked for me. I used anastrozole, 1/4 of a tab twice a week to keep my estrogen lower.
  11. H

    HCG & HMG AND Clomid?

    I'd do a sperm analysis in a few months to see where you are at before adding anything. What's your fertility doc saying?
  12. H

    2nd semen analysis on 1666 ius hcg

    I used hcg at 1666 ius xtimes a week to everyday while on 250 mgs of testosterone cypionate a week. Didn't even need fsh. Now it's just a waiting game to see if she gets pregnant. If not we will further explore her to see if any issues. Why not try high doses of hcg, which is cheap,vs fsh? Then...
  13. H

    2nd semen analysis on 1666 ius hcg

    Met with our fertility doc today and he says there is nothing needed from him. I'm Fertile! This journey, albeit not that long( 5 months) has been stressful. Everywhere I went, everything I read was that I had to come off of trt. I'm living proof, you don't have to. I thought we would stsrt...
  14. H

    How to Improve Sperm Quality, LH, FSH and Testosterone in Infertile Men

    Did you check? My insurance has a separate side for infertility. WIN, Womens infertility network. Ironic, as I'm a man. But so far they have been great. They've covered 24 vials of Hcg, and said they'd approve FSH