Recent content by haynewp

  1. H

    Medsbase Zyhcg

    I tested this and it failed at a concentration of 53 mIU/ml which is about 2 times the listed test sensitivity of 25 mIU/ml. It passed at 33.33 IU/ml which is so high it is basically checking if there is any HCG in it at all. Therefore, if the test is based on 25 mIU/ml and it failed at almost...
  2. H

    Medsbase Zyhcg

    I just received 3 packs of Zyhcg from Medsbase. It only took approx 2 weeks from ordering to delivered which I was impressed with. I noticed the box didn’t have any kind of a sticker seal at the ends like those small boxes sometimes do. I also noticed the vial and Bac water were loose in the...
  3. H

    Where can I get HCG now?

    Do you guys trust the HCG and bac water is sterile when ordering from those online pharmacies based in India?
  4. H

    Injection frequency and labs

    No blood donations, I added a low dose daily aspirin per my cardiologist and added Omega 3,6,9 and drink a lot of water still. I feel 3 times better than I did on a single dose of 200 mg. No idea about iron and ferritin. I will drop the AI, I may do 0.5 mg for a couple of weeks so I can start...
  5. H

    Injection frequency and labs

    Latest labs attached. 1. I took the advice here and went with multiple shots a week and have lowered the dose from 200 mg to 160 mg. I think I am going to end up with 2 or 3 shots a week, likely in the delts. I get these painful lumps if I exceed more than 0.3 ml whether I inject subq or IM...
  6. H

    switching clinics to get away from test/anastrazole mixture and Gonadorelin

    I’m glad I saw this thread. My clinic sold me 10 weeks of Gonadorelin that I started to microdose daily in hopes of getting some kind of benefit but now I will just throw it in the trash.
  7. H

    Injection frequency and labs

    Do you have a recommended manufacturer for these? Also, I read the link you posted on “no drawing needles” and it looks like I can draw with this gauge size as well. I also asked today why free T was not checked and the guy said he didn’t know why the doctor there didn’t order it, but said I...
  8. H

    Injection frequency and labs

    I had come to the same conclusion on that 200 mg dose a few weeks ago.
  9. H

    Injection frequency and labs

    Thank you for the extremely thorough response. The sample was in fact drawn at the trough, 7 days after my last shot of 200 mg. Yeah I don’t know why they don’t check for free testosterone there, I can ask. I actually feel very good. I can tell by the 5th and 6th day that my mood isn’t quite...
  10. H

    Injection frequency and labs

    Thanks for the responses. I found out at my last visit that taking it home was an option instead of having to get it there every time. What is the length of a 30 gauge needle needed for deltoid injection?
  11. H

    Injection frequency and labs

    I am new to TRT and started 10 weeks ago. I’m 50 yrs old and my labs from last week are attached. I think I was dehydrated, or the blood hemolyzed, for the initial labs in January because I redid them at my primary doctor 10 days later and the markers were much improved. I go back to the TRT...