Yes it can, it did for me. I had a very low DHEA-S level on TRT and supplementing DHEA only made me feel worse. After coming off TRT my level went back to normal.
Interesting article but they don't specify what they use as the normal range for TSH in this summary of the paper. Maybe the full text would have that information.
Thyroid Hormones May Increase Risk of Cognitive Disorders in Older Adults
Patients age 65 and older who receive thyroid hormone...
It really depends on your insurance company, some will require you to get off of testosterone and then get 2 morning readings 4 weeks apart below 200. You could try calling your insurance company and asking for their medical policy document on TRT or searching their website.
I'm off TRT entirely now, but I had done up to 4 clicks per day from a Topi-click of 200mg/ml cream and had lower HCT than even 60mg/wk test.cyp. The cream will spike your DHT, and likely testosterone, to super-physiological levels for several hours after application.
Lyme disease, ME/CFS, Long Covid, any number of conditions could be causing your issues. It seems like you've ruled out hormonal issues so you should start trying to rule out some other conditions.
Thyroid levels aren't great, at least according to the internet. I'm on thyroid meds but can't increase my dose much higher without exacerbating my insomnia.
I know you've found success with Jatenzo, which is something I haven't tried and I'm not sure if I could find a doc willing to prescribe...
I was on TRT for about 10 years, spent a lot of time on the forums thinking that if I just kept at it and found the right doctor and the right protocol I would get some of the subjective benefits people talk about. 3 months ago I quit cold turkey, a partial list of my current labs are as...