Recent content by Gus80

  1. G

    Low SHBG Guys

    Both. I discovered Hashimoto's in April of last year and I'm being treated by the same doctor who prescribed me topical testosterone. But I've read many studies linking autoimmune diseases to estrogen, so I don't doubt that it could be related to the high e2 levels after TRT. As soon as I...
  2. G

    Trt options in men with BPH

    I am very interested in your experience. Although we have in common the bad reactions to TRT and low SHBG, unlike you I have high cortisol, particularly at night, which was greatly aggravated by TRT and made the chronic insomnia I have had since I was 15 years old much worse. How is your...
  3. G

    Low SHBG Guys

    Hello, do you have any updates on TRT in men with low SHBG? Since I started TRT in 2015, I have gained a lot of weight on my chest and below my belly button, subcutaneous fat and I feel very anxious. Since then, my insulin/glucose levels have gone up a lot in my tests, this insulin resistance...
  4. G

    SHBG Changes after Keto

    This is not what my unsuccessful experience of 7 years with TRT, performing exams every 3 months approximately, shows me. Whenever my SHBG levels went down, estradiol and free testosterone went up a lot. The higher the dose of T, the greater the drop in shbg. More SHBG = less free testosterone...
  5. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    To help those who still don't know Deca Only and Deca Base: - Deca Only: actually not only, as nandrolone does not aromatize in humans. They usually combine nandrolone + injectable estradiol or nandrolone + dhea (higher doses of dhea in men convert much more to e2 than to testosterone, unlike...
  6. G

    Nandrolone Experiences Congrats on the summary. You have touched the target points. Here's the best article I've read about the benefits of Nandrolone as HRT. It is an article aimed at the trans audience, but we also know that HIV patients often use nandrolone in place...
  7. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    Nadrolone does not aromatize in humans, only in rats. This is the conclusion of all physicians who perform HRT with this compound on their patients. The Brazilian doctor Romulo Jogaib states that in 6 weeks of Deca Only the e2 will be zeroed. I confirmed this on my first try of HRT with Deca 1...
  8. G

    SHBG Changes after Keto

    Your SHBG is high but below the upper limit. About the studies, search Pubmed for "SGBH TRT" there are many studies on improvement in patients with high SHBG, but virtually nothing on TRT in low SHBG. Both testosterone and the DHT derivative considerably decrease SHBG, increasing Free...
  9. G

    Semaglutide Forum: Game Changer for Weight Loss

    For me TRT worsens insulin sensitivity too much. Last year I was only able to lose weight on TRT with ozempic, as I said in my previous report. This year, I lost equivalent weight in the first 3 months of the year on the Carnivore Diet, high in protein and moderate in fat. Palumbo Keto Diet...
  10. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    I don't think I posted this video here. If you can, try to put subtitles in English. This doctor is Brazilian and has good experience in the use of nandrolone as a testosterone substitute in patients who respond poorly to traditional TRT. He does a lot of tests on himself and makes videos or...
  11. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    I don't respond well to dhea. Since I already have 2 children, I prefer not to use hcg.
  12. G

    T Propionate protocol

    I am 42 years old and have 25 years of chronic insomnia. 7 years of trt made sleep much worse. According to Dr Rand Mcclain, the main culprit is the altered cortisol after trt. Lately I gave up sleeping naturally and started to alternate between alprazolam and antihistamines. I notice that this...
  13. G

    Struggling with getting dialed in

    If they are still active on the forum, please update us on microdosing protocols... Dr Chrysler recommended cyp 25mg/eod subq. The reports on jatenzo I've read so far, ed 2x, are excellent. The closest thing to jatenzo in injectable esters is propionate. In my test I varied between 10mg and...
  14. G

    What is the reason low shbg needs ED injections?

    Interesting, based on your statements, I searched my exam sheet and what you said happened. I did tests on trt, 250mg of sustanon/week, right after I started a cycle with stanozolol for 3 months, maintaining the dose of sustanon and redid the tests. FT dropped from 39 to 29. Shbg from 18 to 3.8...
  15. G

    Nandrolone Experiences

    I started today with 10mg, but this week I had already used enanthate and deca. Thought I'd test this dose a day. What do you think?