Recent content by Guided_by_Voices

  1. G

    Left Ventricle Hypertrophy and Nandrolone ( Decadurabolin )

    I'm not opposed to nandrolone, however you generally can't optimize across all variables at once. If you want muscle gains, adding carbs and protein is likely necessary and that is what I would try first. What you don't want is visceral fat gain, but adipose tissue is likely no issue at all in...
  2. G

    WAS: 5 months post stopping TRT cold turkey bloodwork , NOW: Wife No Longer Wants Sex

    I am saddened by your situation and I hope that you find a resolution. Note that by restricting yourself to vows that your (former) "wife" has partially renounced, you may also be denying a potential romantic partner the same experience you are missing in your life. There is almost certainly a...
  3. G

    PT-141- New to peptides

    I am a big fan of PT-141 however i have not heard of it for this purpose, and if stimulating the melanocortin system does in fact help with visceral fat loss, I would suspect that it's Melanotan 2 you would want to try. Have you implemented Sean O'Meara's visceral fat loss protocol? Now that you...
  4. G

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    Not that it matters for the purposes of this thread, but non-endogenous testosterone can be detected (using Isotopes IIRC) and WADA athletes are tested for it AFAIK. There was a Tour de France winner (before he was disqualified) whose name I am forgetting who tested positive for exogenous T.
  5. G

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    Even things that are "bioidentical" can be detected as being from an external (likely lab-generated) source (e.g. testosterone and HGH). I'm not familiar with stanolone but the tests are very sophisticated so that is not a valid reason to consider stanolone to be a meaningfully different...
  6. G

    Sirolimus / Dialing in the Right Dosage and Protocol

    I think part of the reason metformin has fallen out of favor is chronic use at too high of a dosage. I take it on the occasions where I have a higher-carb meal and won't be active immediately after. That is usually no more than once per week and often less than that. I use either 250 or 500mg...
  7. G

    Sirolimus / Dialing in the Right Dosage and Protocol

    I would argue that this demographic is more likely to have chronically elevated mTOR for various reasons and, for anti-aging purposes, is more likely to benefit from reduced mTOR. IMO, the optimal dosage is likely unknowable given the hundreds of other variables involved, so for me, it's a...
  8. G

    PT-141 Appears to work great only when sleeping?!

    Nor-epinephrine decreases during sleep which IIRC has a pro-erectile affect. I and many others have found that PT-141 seems to require sleep to fully "activate" it. Away from sleep, I have found PT-141 to enhance the affect of the viagra-like compounds, but not to be miraculous on on its own...
  9. G

    Sirolimus / Dialing in the Right Dosage and Protocol

    I have been taking 4mg every two weeks for the last several years. I haven't noticed any strength decrease that would indicate a problem with MPS, and I am stronger overall. Blagosklonny, the last time I heard him interviewed, said that he thought part of the mechanism of action was reduction in...
  10. G

    22YO Natural Bodybuilder -- Seeking advice on Peptide Use

    I would start with DMSO. If that doesn't fix the issue (and not re-injuring the problem is essential) then BPC and or some form of GH secretagouge would be a good next step, as described above. 1-3 mg of BPC at a time injected close to the injury. I've had very good results with BPC patches...
  11. G

    Tadalafil Use in Cardiovascular Disease

    It seems to me that the benefits of tadalafil are sufficient that pretty much everyone (men and women) should be on a low dose past a certain age, whether it is beneficial for HF or not. Trying to figure out everything it benefits seems like a waste of money and time, given that it is about as...
  12. G

    Daily Cialis Plus Trimix?

    In theory, the combo should be superior for overall health due to the systemic cardio vascular benefits of the Cialis class of drugs, even if the erection results are the same.
  13. G

    Effect of Supplements on Endurance Exercise in the Older Population: Systematic Review

    I use it (synthagen) but I suspect I use too low of a dose and with too many other variables to really give a good evaluation based on results, but the logic behind it looks reasonable. That said, I would not trust any other brand that I'm aware of. It is apparently faked and diluted quite commonly.
  14. G

    Primobolan/Tren HRT No Test

    It's also worth noting that Tren and Primo both apparently have a very pronounced anti-libido/EQ affect in some people. It's especially unfortunate as Tren is one of the very few compounds that help resolve PE for some people, although I think Nandrolone may as well.