Recent content by GreenMachineX

  1. G

    B12 Injection SubQ

    How high of an elevation are we talking? I’ve been taking 1mg per week injection for a year and my levels are still only 750.
  2. G

    Difference between daily IM vs daily SubQ?

    I’m one of those in the first example. SC is notably worse than shallow IM for my daily protocol. My free T was actually it in half by using SC and I could tell by every sleepless night something was wrong. My E2 was normal though, so I couldn’t tell what was wrong exactly until I had the...
  3. G

    Veggies doing more harm than good?

    I switched to daily injection which allow me to increase my free test levels while hemoglobin and hematocrit stayed lower. 8mg per day test cyp at night.
  4. G

    Lowering Test Cyp Dosage - Can't Sleep And Irritated

    Since switching to daily shots and assigning even higher free test levels, hematocrit and hemoglobin haven’t been an issue.
  5. G

    Is it impossible to get 10ml vials anymore?

    Are you still on 8mg daily? How’s that going?
  6. G

    Veggies doing more harm than good?

    Update here: ever since getting my e2 up to mid20’s to 30’s, my blood pressure is always about 120/80. No white coat syndrome anymore. Whereas e2 at 17 was a problem.
  7. G

    Cable Machine Workouts: Exercises Can Develop the Body Fully and Safely

    Realizing I’m 4 years late to this reply The link to your story is broken, but I’m having hard time with this. Did you ever cycle higher levels (blast with anything) with building that physique? I definitely agree that maintaining doesn’t require the same as building, but getting to that...
  8. G

    DHEA Levels and Effects of Supplementation

    Yeah, I had labs drawn to verify DHEA-S levels went up and they did, somewhere mid range. I’d have to go through 100 blood tests to find it so you’ll just have to trust me lol. I’ve used multiple brands including Douglas, sublingual worked the strongest to get my levels up but oral did as well...
  9. G

    DHEA Levels and Effects of Supplementation

    All of them, but I think most are due to lower e2 levels, not DHEA. I rarely feel like I’m going to pass out though, but dry skin, lethargy (or overstimulation), weakness (relative to amount of muscle mass), irritability and noise sensitivity. None improved with good dhea levels, but when e2...
  10. G

    DHEA Levels and Effects of Supplementation

    Yeah, I’ve tried all that…with supps, just dhea, each supp solo, etc and just don’t find any benefit to any of it, except vit D and C that is.
  11. G

    DHEA Levels and Effects of Supplementation

    Hello, I gave dhea a fair shot several times, between sublingual, oral and transdermal, none of it provided me any benefit I could see, so my levels are back to under 100. I also stopped most supplements after realizing they were all making any and all issues worse. I only take vitamin D and a...
  12. G

    thoughts on labs. recommendations on what direction to go.

    Are you going to start taking vitamin D? I'll leave the rest for the real experts lol
  13. G

    Is it impossible to get 10ml vials anymore?

    Thanks. I'll always use sterile injection technique, but had a mild concern about contamination from so many punctures. Otherwise, 8mg daily gets me significantly higher free T than 50mg twice per week, or 25mg EOD. 8mg daily: 167 50mg twice per week: 105 15mg EOD: 117 Range for all 35-155...
  14. G

    Is it impossible to get 10ml vials anymore?

    Sorry about the frustration, but I was trying to get the 1mL vials and twice now they've given me 10mL vials. I'm also doing 8mg daily, but would prefer only puncturing a vial about 10 times rather than 100 with the 10mL vial. That doesn't concern you?