Recent content by Gman86

  1. G

    Left Ventricle Hypertrophy and Nandrolone ( Decadurabolin )

    Exactly. It’s unfortunate, but true. That’s why I rely on anecdotal experiences so much with certain AAS. That’s the only data we’re gonna get on these compounds going forward
  2. G

    Left Ventricle Hypertrophy and Nandrolone ( Decadurabolin )

    I would also say it’s worth adding. If I were u, I might even try adding 50mg/ week and see how u do health marker wise, as well as muscle gain/ strength wise goes. If all is well on just the 50mg/ week, u could probably just run that indefinitely, instead of having to cycle it. And if u don’t...
  3. G

    Left Ventricle Hypertrophy and Nandrolone ( Decadurabolin )

    Nothing new as far as I know. Anytime u increase ur weekly exogenous androgens, especially doubling them, u have to be more strict with diet, and other lifestyle factors that longevity/ overall health are dependent on. So if u do add the 100mg of nandorlone, just try to be as strict with diet...
  4. G

    WAS: 5 months post stopping TRT cold turkey bloodwork , NOW: Wife No Longer Wants Sex

    Man that’s an extremely extremely tough situation to be in, imo. I truly commend u on ur will power to stay faithful. Do u think u can maintain this willpower indefinitely? Jc And is wanting to have sex, but not being able to, on ur mind most of the day, and something u struggle with daily...
  5. G

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Yup. And I also inject EOD. Except HCG. I inject that E3D
  6. G

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I’ve never tried exogenous estradiol before Was on like 250 deca and 50 test prop. Now I lowered deca to 200, kept test prop at 50mg, and now using 20mg primo and 20mg masteron. Also on 500iu’s of HCG, and around 1.25mg of selegiline sublingually EOD. I’m pretty bad about taking the selegiline...
  7. G

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    What’s ur current protocol again? I agree with @Seagal, if I had to guess, I would guess that lowering ur deca dose would be more likely to improve ur sides than increasing it It truly is all about dialing things in/ balancing things out. I remember when I first did a nandrolone base, with...
  8. G

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I mean maybe. I just feel like guys would experience estrogen like effects if stano actually did any of that. But from anecdotes, ur seems like it always elicits effects similar to estrogen lowering But ur definitely correct. The human body is way more complicated than any human can imagine/...
  9. G

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Idk how they came to the conclusion that stanozolol produces estrogen. As far as i know, most dht derivatives tend to inhibit estrogen. Dht technically can’t be converted into estrogen. I do see, however, that dht derivatives can produce metabolites, such as 3β-androstanediol, that can bind to...
  10. G

    Primobolan/Tren HRT No Test

    That guy acts like a prick no matter what he takes lol. And I agree, the guy is an absolute mess of a human, and unfortunately is probably gonna die very young, due to constantly blasting and his diet is absolute trash. The guy eats donuts and other crap processed foods daily. Plus his stress...
  11. G

    Primobolan/Tren HRT No Test

    This can be the case, but I can also show u hundreds and hundreds of anecdotes where primo improved libido and EQ. Same with tren. There’s an infinite amount of anecdotes out there where tren sky rocketed men’s libido. Not sure about EQ, in regards to tren. Most anecdotes focus on how it...
  12. G

    Primobolan/Tren HRT No Test

    Tren absolutely isn’t good for this lol. Don’t think anyone thinks that. I would never recommend to use tren as a base. As far as micro dosing tren goes, this is the most comprehensive before and after of bloodwork I’ve seen while someone was using it. He was using 25mg/ week of tren acetate...
  13. G

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Damn, u clearly know ur stuff! Thanks for the estradiol valerate lesson! Lol
  14. G

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Have u considered trying to turn ur oral estradiol valerate into injectable estradiol valerate? Think that’s what the trenemy guy does. Was just watching a few of his vids and he said it’s extremely easy for him to make injectable estradiol valerate. I’m assuming he’s making it form oral tablets...