Recent content by gman3363

  1. G

    50-year-old muscles just can’t grow big like they used to.

    I understand that you are taking about muscle gains in mass versus strength, but at age 72 now, I am stronger than I was at 35 or 40. After 4 years on 5-3-1, I have reached 340 on my deadlifts, 300 on squats and 250 on bench press and I expect to continue to add to those totals (Not impressive...
  2. G

    Going off TRT for a clean break and maybe restart

    Thanks for the comment Jake. I am feeling pretty good without it right now, particularly my sleeping. So, my mindset is just keep on keeping on if/until I start feeling lethargic, tired, etc. I wonder if any guys have just gone off and stayed off. No, not using clinic, just my family doctor and...
  3. G

    Going off TRT for a clean break and maybe restart

    Hello all, I have been on TRT for 10 years now. Started off with the rub In gel, then IM injections, then tried the pellets in hip and finally went back to IM injections. In all honesty, I think the rub in gel worked really good, but left that due to daily rub on and concern with wife...
  4. G

    Does cabergoline improve ED? Why do body builders take it?

    I can only say that I read a comment in an unrecalled post that it was used in the porn industry to increase ejaculation volume and had some other positive effects on sexual function. Being in Mexico, I can get almost anything at the local pharmacy without a prescription, so I purchased some...