Hello. I know it's off topic, but this cortisol issue is important. Is your cortisol lowered with TRT? Do larger doses tend to lower cortisol more? If this happens, it would be important to replace cortisol.
If you don't understand and don't know how to answer it would be better for you to keep quiet with your ignorance. This here is a forum and the experiences can serve other people less intelligent than you.
Have you tried TRT according to the symptoms? When we stop the TRT and feel an improvement and when you start to feel the lack of testosterone again, you start the TRT again and observe the symptoms and so on. Unfortunately, there are times when we cannot find any solutions.
I stopped the TRT to see how my hematocrit would look. It simply collapsed and I felt a general weakness. What do you think?
Hematocrit: 39.30 Reference 42 - 50
Red blood cells: 4.36 Reference 4.3 - 5.7
Hemoglobin: 13.10 Reference 13.5 - 17.5
Hey. Enanthate has a metabolism time similar to cypionate. Propionate metabolizes faster and has larger peaks. I stopped my TRT. Here in Brazil it is difficult to buy enanthate. Sometimes I apply 20mg of cypionate and try to move on.
Unfortunately this is the truth in which we live in Brazil. Few doctors understand TRT and those who do charge too much. In this way those who have money can get it, but it is not easy.
Currently I take 50 mg of chelated iron + 300 mg of Vit C and I have noticed that the pain takes a long time to appear and when it appears, it takes time to recover and I end up getting tired. I'm going to increase it to 100 mg a day to see.
This is very interesting. Were you able to confirm these symptoms with this dose of chelated iron? You go to the gym and you will only feel sore muscles after 2-3 days. That's interesting.
Do you know if HCG in sublingual drops has any contraindications and why? I tried it for a few days and effect does, but I don't know what are the contraindications to using HCG in this way. Thanks.
Updating this topic. On May 1st, I started the new TRT protocol. See here: Hematocrit and TRT. How to have balance.
The shbg decreased again. It reached 30, dropped to 21, 18 .. and now 11.4. I think T4 supplementation increases SHBG. I'm only 12.5. I will return to 25 mcg T4 + 10 mcg T3. T3...
Updating this topic. On May 1st, I started the new TRT protocol. In the first week I applied 150 mg of Enanthate and in the following weeks I followed 50mg E3.5D. So far the hematocrit is controlled and it was between 45 - 47. It started to increase a little and I lowered the dose to 40Mg E3.5D...