Absolute key is the surgeon you use. I have had both hips and knees done. Look for low infection rate and low return which is posted on some doctor eval sites.
I found two in the states: one at Wake Forest and one at Cincinnati.
I will tell you from experience that hip recovery is 3 times easier...
Had both hips 09-10 and knees done 17 and have had zero issues. Range of motion as good as or better than before. But I have exercised all my life and did pre-surgery exercises to strengthen my areas needed.
The surgeon is the key. Repeat the surgeon is the key. I found two docs in the US with...
For me there is no other choice. I picked up Helicobactor Pylori when I was in Guam curtesy of the USAF and there is no getting rid of it. Yes you can dose your intestines every 5 years or more frequently with antibiotics but it comes back because you can't get into the folds of the intestines...
I am 69 been on TRT since 2016. I researched TRT as much as I could starting in 2012 when I had prostate cancer. I noticed that my radiation treatments caused me to have night sweats and never had them before. From my research I was told that my T level would be impacted. Mine normal T level was...
There are many other studies after this one and unless you are totally dishonest you can't cook the books on a double blind experiment. Look at the other studies which were below this one. It isn't a single source that is presented by the NIH article.
Guys I found this study which 15 of 20 male patients improved significantly in erections. This was a double blind study. Details in the article.
There are other studies below the first one I mentioned. This study was back in April 2013. This...
I read that thread and it provides no evidence that this technology works. What is lacking is a study of men that use the device and those that don't. I think it either works or there is a placebo effect. I for one don't wish to spend close to 800 bucks for their device unless there is more...
I have been seeing Acoustic Shock Waves being touted as a way to remove plaque on small veins in the penis. If you search on Youtube you will find a number of doctors and clinics that offer this service. As an engineer this seems to me as a focused ultrasonic. Ultrasound is from 20kHZ to...
I do and think it is coming from the pill form of L-Arg. I am switching back to the powder. Once I take the stack and head to bed there after a while later I have heart burn. If I use powder form L-Arg I don't. That is the only difference thus I know what is causing it for me.
I can give you my answer. I mix my powered L-Ag and L-Cit with POM juice about 4 oz and cold water. It works just fine and should be no downside to this.
I am sure others will comment too.
By the way the company DEFY which is a HRT company and more knows about Gene's Stacker. I am a patient of...
Thanks for the input. I do need to investigate other forms of getting Citrulline.
I appreciate what you and Gene do for contributions to this forum. Today was an example of the results. My muscles were pumped for a good while after my typical workout and my vascularity is significantly...
As a subjective data point L-Arginine in powder form has a nasty taste. In pill form it doesn't because it is coated. L-Citrulline doesn't have a real bad taste. The combination of both (to me anyway) is worse than just the L-Arginine.
Might be the suppliers
I get the L-Citrulline powder from...
As I stated my T level is 696 with E2 28 and free T 10. All good results. Now with Gene's stacker which I continue to take and getting my T to around 700 my nocturnal wood is good and I can really tell at the gym post workout that my muscles are pumped. I have been unable to get this result for...