And I think I may try 40mg 3 times a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday and repeat. 3 times a week is something I have not tried for a long extended time. Anyone see any issues with this? I may just do shallow IM.
Yes I am healthy. I did get a EKG done few weeks ago. I had allergy issues in a basement where I live so they checked a few things to make sure it wasnt something else. And shallow IM is something I have done before and was fine with it. 5/8th of a inch needle right?
Is there any explanation for the e2 being so high? Because it has to convert from testosterone. So it does sound like your getting the testosterone absorption. How did you feel on the subQ when your e2 was high?
Yeah thats why I wanted to do a 40mg 3 times a week. Its not a EOD protocol but maybe I should adapt a EOD protocol. Its going to be hard to measure out the oil for EOD. I use a 25 guage. I may have to use a insulin needle for my sub q.
I have been on 7-8 years and have done almost all but not all protocols. The thing ive noticed is that when my balls are tight and skin pulled back that is when I have the best erections and sometimes orgasms feel good not dull. And depending on the dose I will suffer from low e2 side effects...
In Canada or at least Ontario Canada there is a shortage of Depot-Testosterone 100mg per ml (cypionate) which is what I use. I may have to swap to Delastryl 200mg per ml (test enanthate). I take 60mg twice a week. Its going to be hard for me to measure 60mg from 200mg. Should I start using...
Thanks guys. And I dont have any recent SHBG tests to give you. I rarely get that tested when I go now. It costs me money because my insurance does not cover that particular test.
Ive been on TRT 8 years now. I found that I feel best on 100mg a week. Strong erections and good quality orgasms. For the past 3-4 years I have been splitting injections up in varying amounts 100mg/110/120/130/140mg split into twice a week.. Nothing ever works as good for me. What is the...
I have been trying to always measure the exact dose out accurately and exactly .6ml and I use a 3cc syringe. The black lines on the syringe are a bit thick. Do you pull the plunger back until your on the top of the .6ml black measuring line. Or to you go to the bottom of the 6ml black measuring...
I switched because of pain. Every now and then its hard to inject. Ive done thousands of injections. Lots of scar tissue. Today I did not get a headache. It looks like its taking an extra day or so to get in my system which is fine. For now I will continue the sub Q injections hoping that it...
I do get a bit of anxiety. My e2 has dropped. My water weight goes down when I get lower on e2. Crampings happen when e2 gets low do to water loss. I know its e2 I just didnt expect it. And I was wondering if anyone else had this issue. I always like how lean my face gets. Makes me look more...
Maybe I wasn't clear enough. I didn't miss a day. The time was exactly same as usual. I just did sub Q instead for the first time in my stomach. Last 2 injections were Sub Q.