Recent content by Fr8man

  1. F

    Low T / high normal TSH, low fT3&4 / low normal AM cortisol...what's causing what?

    Appreciate your input Systemlord. How do you suggest I go about treating my specific thyroid condition?
  2. F

    Low T / high normal TSH, low fT3&4 / low normal AM cortisol...what's causing what?

    So I've retested some tests at a different lab and there are many things that are out of range. I don't know where to start, or how to go about with treatment, or what is causing what, or if there is a direct connection between any of them and one of them is throwing the others off. I don't...
  3. F

    High TSH, normal fT3 & fT4 - antibodies & rT3 OK.

    No I'm not. Still in the diagnosis stage. I can't find the numbers. Searched everywhere. No. But I have neither. My results are showing normal fT3. Or are you saying that my fT3 could actually be below normal because I might have t3 antibodies that are making it seem like my t3 is normal...
  4. F

    High TSH, normal fT3 & fT4 - antibodies & rT3 OK.

    No problems at all if you're paying out of pocket. That's why I'm here. Question is "how"? No measurement. Just eat a lot of table salt.
  5. F

    High TSH, normal fT3 & fT4 - antibodies & rT3 OK.

    Like I mentioned in the title, rt3 and antibodies check out. Don't have the results on me right now, but that's not the reason.
  6. F

    High TSH, normal fT3 & fT4 - antibodies & rT3 OK.

    And really low free testosterone. TSH 4.54 (0.27 - 4.20) uIU/mL fT3, free 3.6 (2.0 - 4.4) pg/mL ft4, free 1.24 (0.93 - 1.70) ng/dL Iodine intake is (and always has been) optimal. Any advice where to go from here? I used to think it was do to low T. But now I'm hearing that my low T is...
  7. F

    How do I get my body to produce on its own?

    How much of a difference in terms of before and after t levels did that make? But the weight gain and belly fat is the direct side effect of the low T. It's the low T that's causing it. It's an uphill battle trying to fix that with low T. Iodine...yes
  8. F

    How do I get my body to produce on its own?

    But I'm hearing my thyroid is where it's at because of the low T. You are saying my low T is because of my thyroid. How do I address the thyroid issue? I already consume more iodine than the average person. It's not because of antibodies or rt3. What next?
  9. F

    How do I get my body to produce on its own?

    So are my numbers enough to cause this much of t level decline?
  10. F

    How do I get my body to produce on its own?

    Would the ^ thyroid be side effect of low testosterone??
  11. F

    How do I get my body to produce on its own?

    TSH 4.54 (0.27 - 4.20) uIU/mL fT3, free 3.6 (2.0 - 4.4) pg/mL ft4, free 1.24 (0.93 - 1.70) ng/dL No doc, but I did do reverse and antibodies. Can't find the results but no problems there.
  12. F

    How do I get my body to produce on its own?

    I don't drink at all. What about clomid or nolvadex or hCG therapies to see if I can jump start anything? I'm sure dieting, losing weight and exercising would help to increase my t, but it's not going to cure my hypogonadism. So whatever I might gain from those methods would be petty. My TSH...