Recent content by Fisher

  1. F

    HCG pre-mixed instead of powder??

    I recently bought some Bharat Serums brand HCG 5000iu. Surprise!!! It came as liquid in 5000iu vial, not a powder kit. Last time I bought that brand it was vial of powder, and sterile water separate, worked great. My doc said that shipping mixed product is very bad. Any shaking in shipment...
  2. F

    Stubborn Chest Fat! (despite low overall fat)

    I have read that women with high E will deposit more fat on the bum and upper thighs, menopause changes that. I think there is a lot of hormone related fat distribution things going on, not just genetic.
  3. F

    Stubborn Chest Fat! (despite low overall fat)

    I had thought maybe excess estrogen contributes fat accumulating in the chest area. Is that wrong?
  4. F

    Stubborn Chest Fat! (despite low overall fat)

    I have had unusually high chest fat since I was in my 20's! It has been quite embarrassing most of my life, I'm in my 50's now. My father also had it. My TRT doc says it's not gyno, just fat. My body fat is overall very low, about 11 percent. I can see my abs a bit, yet the chest fat is still...
  5. F

    Taurine lessens nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) side effects?

    Thanks Nelson. Taurine looks good! My main goal is to try to prevent Lipid changes, so I will start with 6g for a month and see how it feels. Sounds like a human study needed to know if it helps humans on Deca. Thanks Fisher
  6. F

    Taurine lessens nandrolone (Deca Durabolin) side effects?

    I just read a study "Amelioration of nandrolone decanoate-induced testicular and sperm toxicity in rats by taurine" The study suggests some strong protective effects from taking taurine while on nandrolone therapy (Deca). Looking for any confirmation that the effect extends to humans. What...
  7. F

    How can I manage E2- estradiol without the sensitive lab test?

    Still looking for ideas on managing E2 without the sensitive lab test. So far just able to do once a year.
  8. F

    How can I manage E2- estradiol without the sensitive lab test?

    Thanks for your suggestion Vince. It seems worth a try to go every day if that simplifies E2 management. For over 20 years, I have been suffering from CFS, I have not really felt very good for a long time. The TRT as part of a larger plan to heal my system. I'm working with adrenal issues...
  9. F

    How can I manage E2- estradiol without the sensitive lab test?

    I think I remember reading that higher frequency T injections cause much less aromatization. Is that your thinking Vince? May need to switch to sub-q if trying that route
  10. F

    How can I manage E2- estradiol without the sensitive lab test?

    I live in a part of the world where mass spectrometer testing of blood samples is very rare, only in the top research labs. All my TRT has been based for years on the only test available here- immunoassay. I have recently read in the stickies here is not a reliable test for men. My doctors had...
  11. F

    Maintaining Fertility while using Deca (nandrolone)?

    Thanks for the replies. I used Deca before, 3 months at 200mg per week, and never had any issues with erections or prolactin. Maybe I'm lucky? My labs showed 3.78 ng/ml at 3 months. Coastwatcher- I have been on the HcG for 1.5 years, last months sperm count was ok. All the info I can find...
  12. F

    Maintaining Fertility while using Deca (nandrolone)?

    I have been looking online for and references about fertility and low dosage Deca. My TRT is: 150mg Test cyp per week (50mg 3x week) .25mg Arimidex per week 1500mg HcG per week (500mg 3x week) My sperm count has been ok with the TRT, but I would like to add Nandrolone at about 150mg per...