Recent content by fifty

  1. F

    Resting heart rate very high

    According to what? You are not actually burning 1200 an hour. Good marketing for them though.
  2. F

    Testicular Ache - Reasons?

    Most people don’t know what a ml is. Surely he means .20ml.
  3. F

    Enclomiphene half life

    Why 30 days? Are you saying that’s the time to subjectively eliminate the effects of the drug?
  4. F

    Early morning wake ups

    Try nasal gel 1-3x per day if it’s not cost prohibitive. It’s generally out of your system in time to not affect sleep.
  5. F

    Enclomiphene half life

    7-10hrs half life. So I say it would be totally clear after a week (7days).
  6. F

    My First Labs With Nandrolone

    Defy typically always orders this. 140103: Testosterone, Free, Direct With Total Testosterone | LabCorp Defy is switching to or adding Quest as well however.... -------------------------------- While our lowest negotiated rates are with LabCorp, we have been able to secure discounted costs...
  7. F

    Stopping Testosterone Injections for Enclomiphene

    I had an order made last Friday morning and mine shipped today (Wed).
  8. F

    Greetings from New Zealand (compounded testosterone cream Q&A)

    What were you most recently doing? 100mg in the morning?
  9. F

    Question on T Cream Dosage

    Isn’t one click of 100mg/ml 25mg?
  10. F

    interesting write up on micro dosing Test and HCG from England

    Since when is 17.5mg per day of test cyp microdosing?
  11. F

    Stopping Testosterone Injections for Enclomiphene

    It’s just enclomiphene without zuclomiphene. General user reviews of it on here have been meh.
  12. F

    Irritability and anxiety on Testosterone

    I just use tru-t calculator as I have T, SHBG, and Albumin. I would use it 3x/day but I don't really want to spend $200/mo or worry about applying 3x/day. The cost effective way to do this is just take apart a topi-click. The nasal gel is just 100mg testosterone cream in a different...