Also whats everyone’s thoughts on using low-dose Enclo EOD and/or Kisspeptin few times a week to help the endogenous production via LH/FSH stimulation (along with TNE shots)?
39 male. Mixed training for 15+ years. Have run a few 6-8 week test/var/and SARMS cycles (rad140, mk2866). Regularly cycle GHRH/GHRP cycles for anti-ageing and skin. Have experimented with Enclo and kisspeptin to increase LH/FSH with some success. Love Proviron. Never been on TRT. Very sensitive...
I noticed everywhere that for the once daily injection of TNE protocol everyone mentions morning injection. But, as our endogenous test peaks (~8am), if the aim is to have the HPTA return to normal and avoid the negative feedback loop preserving its function, would it make sense to take...