Recent content by Eklutna

  1. E

    Bodybuilding?: Should You Get a Full Body DEXA Scan?

    I did my first one a few months ago. It was only $90 one time or $75 each with a package. It was great insight.
  2. E

    Clinic says they can send only one vial now due to DEA rules?

    Big Brother is looking out for you. Long live the nanny state!
  3. E

    My pre-workout Natesto experiment - Embrace your natural trough!

    I just started a compounded version from Defy/Empower. I chose the nasal cream to hopefully avoid all these side effects I had with injections, primarily polycythemia. The cream from Empower is absolutely pleasant to take. It’s similar to hand lotion, and it comes in a tube about the size of a...
  4. E

    Shockwave treatment of erectile dysfunction

    My wife owns a med spa where she offers Gainswave treatment. The feedback from her clients has been almost universally positive. The "sticker price" is $3,000 for 6 treatments or $5,000 for 12. Whether you do 6 or 12 depends on how you score on an ED questionnaire. The benefits last 2-3...
  5. E

    Kentucky Pharmacy Owner Guilty Of Federal Charge

    More overbearing government law enforcement. Here’s a pharmacy trying to deliver quality compounded products to compete with the stuff of unknown origin for sale all over the internet, and the owner gets rewarded with the possibility of 10 years in Club Fed.
  6. E

    Curved Penis

    You might want to look at shockwave therapy if it’s Peyronie’s after seeing the doc. Maybe he offers it. It’s the same treatment used for ED, but they focus more on the area with the plaque buildup. As a side benefit it will help blood flow in the area.
  7. E

    High hematocrit prevalence with intranasal vs. intramuscular testosterone

    I quit TRT due to high HCT levels and a corresponding increase in blood pressure. This is really good news. I might have to give it a try.
  8. E

    Facial flushing/thyroid

    It could just be rosacea, which can be triggered by a number of different things. If so you can treat it with a series of IPL photofacials from a med spa or dermatologist. It worked great for me. If it doesn’t solve the redness it will at least make your skin look better :)
  9. E

    TRT and high BP Pulse

    I stopped TRT because it was pushing my BP just above the green zone, and donating blood was doing enough to reverse it. My BP is back to normal.
  10. E

    Needles from China.

    You would be hard pressed to find ANY needles not made in China.
  11. E

    Syringes without script
  12. E

    Getting Off TRT: Replace Clomid with Enclomiphene in HPTA Reset Protocol?

    Where did you find the enclomiphene? I tried to get it from Tailor Made Compounding, but they seem to be out of stock, and their responsiveness is TERRIBLE.
  13. E

    Gonadorelin alternative to hCG - Kisspeptin a peptide that is not approved for compounding

    It’s available while they still have inventory. Once depleted then no more. Better hurry.