Recent content by Dwayne337

  1. D

    Non responders to test, what's been your plan now?

    There be a minority of people who simply don't "respond" (no benefits, you feel no different) to testosterone, no matter the protocol, at least the one's you've tried so far. What's your plan now? Have you given up and just accepted life as is? Are you still testing protocols hoping one day...
  2. D

    Anyone on Sustanon?

    Wondering if anyone is on sustanon and want to share their experiences- what is your protocol and how are you feeling?
  3. D

    1-Test Cyp - amazing results (low shbg)

    Just reminding people why to never take @eli serious on his protocol recommendations. Idiot advice. Trestolone is 100x more androgenic and anabolic than testosterone. Enjoy fucking yourself...
  4. D

    Anyone here taking progesterone?

    Why u care about that if ur 1-test cyp protocol was amazing 1-Test Cyp - amazing results (low shbg) looks like it was a flop. saw that coming
  5. D

    TRT only "works" when it's clearing the system

    No, the 4 weeks thing is after I get off trt.
  6. D

    TRT only "works" when it's clearing the system

    Similar to those who say they only feel the honeymoon phase for a little bit during new protocol, I only feel the effects of TRT (libido) for 1-2 days, after week 4 of my last injection, when the T has mostly cleared your system. Reverse honeymoon phase. Other than that, I feel nothing from T no...
  7. D

    What makes scrotum application convert more into DHT?

    For transdermal testosterone, what exactly is the reason scrotum application results in much higher DHT conversion than other areas? Is it JUST because of the higher absorption rate of the scrotum skin? Does testosterone absorbing/interacting with the testicles have anything to do with it?
  8. D

    Ferritin really takes this long to increase?

    I took thorne's ferrasorb 3 pills spread throughout the day (108mg/day iron) for 2 weeks. Retested and only got a 3 point increase being at the low end of the range, so basically it didn't do anything. Is this a bad supplement problem or does it really take that long for ferritin to increase...
  9. D

    Is there an optimal DHEA-S range we should be aiming for?

    Tested dhea-s which was 254. The lab range just indicates "anything under 552". But as we know from Testosterone being in range doesn't mean much, there's always an "optimal range". Does anyone know what dhea-s levels we should be aiming for, for optimal well being?
  10. D

    What's the half life of T Cream?

    Wondering if anyone knows when the peak, middle, and trough are after applying T Cream?
  11. D

    Successful Story with Testosterone Cream Protocol

    Hello! I am trying cream too! If you don't mind saying, what was your cream protocol/dosing that caused the high libido?
  12. D

    This is Weird! Testosterone Scrotal Cream vs Injections

    Old thread I know but would like to know what was your cream dosing back then, when you did 2x a day? How much mg's?
  13. D

    Scrotal cream, how long does it take to dry off and not stain your underwear?

    want to try scrotal cream, so i pose the question. don't want the cream to get on your underwear
  14. D

    1-Test Cyp - amazing results (low shbg)

    @eli correct me if i've mistakned you for someone else, but i believe i read your older posts saying you're a non responder to trt and don't feel any different on trt if so, just the simple addition of 1-t cyp actually produced the benefits of trt you were looking for? also why are you on 80mg...
  15. D

    HCG dose to restart testis?

    Say you are completely shut down and want to take HCG to get your testis back to working again, what would be the optimal dose to achieve this? Would 500iu twice a week be enough? Or is more needed?