Recent content by duramax

  1. D

    Any new discoveries on Low SHBG curse ?

    Currently using Enanthate.
  2. D

    Any new discoveries on Low SHBG curse ?

    I've been on TRT more than 20 years. The best I experienced was the first six months on Androgel. Then I started having absorption issues. I have tried about every delivery method available since then and just don't feel like I get the benefits I should. The SHGB was not even looked at back...
  3. D

    Any new discoveries on Low SHBG curse ?

    My SHGB is like yours. I struggle to get things right. Currently I'm doing around 180mg weekly. Curious if you inject daily?
  4. D

    Any guys on TRT long term and how is it? Newbie androgel but haven’t began

    You sound like me in many ways. I have sleep apnea too and if I don't use my machine, I feel terrible. Try the nose pillows if you haven't. Try to figure out what works for you with the'll be grateful. I had a hard time at first, but now I don't go anywhere without it. Like you...
  5. D

    Any guys on TRT long term and how is it? Newbie androgel but haven’t began

    I have really low SHGB too. What does your total and free T look like on your labs? I have been doing 12mg daily and not having much success. Appreciate any advice.
  6. D

    My Experience On Jatenzo (Oral TRT) Log

    I have been following your post and am very interested in trying Jatenzo. I have struggled with every option available. I think my main problem with TRT is I have low SHBG. Just curious where your SHBG levels are at? I do a daily creme/injection now. Think this stuff might work for me? thank you.
  7. D

    SHGB and Estrogen levels

    Did you ever have any luck?
  8. D

    Requesting advice from Lab work

    Also I donated blood after these labs, co my hematocrit level should have dropped. I have been on this regiment at least six months.
  9. D

    Requesting advice from Lab work

    Yes, I had a sonogram done on my liver some time ago and it's caused by fatty liver (non-alcoholic). Years ago in the USAF I had the same issue, but overtime, it dropped?
  10. D

    Requesting advice from Lab work

    This is my most resent lab. Still trying to hit the mark, but not quite there. I'm currently injecting .10 daily, due to low SHBG. I use .125 mg arimidex twice weekly, DHEA nightly and 250 IU's HCG twice weekly. I still suffer from low libido, weak ejaculation. Am I missing something? Any advice...
  11. D

    So many post on low Shbg, what range is low shbg?

    Curious what protocol you started? Thanks
  12. D

    So many post on low Shbg, what range is low shbg?

    I finally decided to go with Defy to help me out, but so far it's just adjusting things. I inject .12 daily from an insulin syringe. I do it in the shoulder. I have HCG but don't really think it helps me out? Tried a combination injection/ big change either. I also was prescribed a...
  13. D

    So many post on low Shbg, what range is low shbg?

    You are my exact age and it seems we have the exact problem. My SHGB is around 12. I hope to follow your posts and see if you get things figured out me. I even tried the pellets....bad decision. thanks for your posts......I thought I was the only one.
  14. D

    Measuring testosterone dosage in syringe

    I have been on 200 mg weekly, but that was one injection. Of course that was also before I found I had low SHGB. I know you said you do .16 daily and it does you good. I've been doing .15 daily and I'm not so sure it's working for the better. My libido still is in the gutter. I may drop back to...