Recent content by DS3

  1. D

    Testosterone Propionate Discontinued by all pharmacies

    They would have to fax it in to them. My doctor was having trouble setting up an account. They do not seem to be very business oriented. I will likely try Wells Pharmacy out of Florida - mentioned in this thread. You
  2. D

    When testosterone isn't enough - major fatigue and brain fog.

    I think medications in general are overprescribed in the Western world. So, yes. You are right about there being things we don't know. There is no question that genetics and lifestyle factors play two of the largest roles. When it comes to lifestyle factors, overconsumption of media...
  3. D

    When testosterone isn't enough - major fatigue and brain fog.

    Genetics, life events, hassles, and traumatic events serve as triggers or catalysts for depression. The pathophysiology of the depression is thought to be rooted in issues with availability of and receptor sensitivity to serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, epinephrine, and BDNF. The causes of...
  4. D

    When testosterone isn't enough - major fatigue and brain fog.

    Depression that doesn't result from acute life events, such as the loss of a loved one, often stems from a neurochemical imbalance involving serotonin and dopamine. Changes to lifestyle factors and cognitive behabioral therapy can help, but it is often a combination of these along with...
  5. D

    When testosterone isn't enough - major fatigue and brain fog.

    Sounds like MDD - major depression. Diet, hormones, exercise, sleep…all are lifestyle factors can contribute positively or negatively to depression, but major depression is often resistant. For me, someone who personally experiences this form of depression, the only solution I’ve found is to...
  6. D

    Testosterone Propionate - Still Compounded In Dallas

    I agree. Something is going on behind the scenes. Big Pharma May be putting pressure on compounding pharmacies by having the FDA pay closer attention to the compounding of less ‘legitimate’ TRT products. If so, Test Prop would be an easy one to target and ally pressure to.
  7. D

    Testosterone Propionate - Still Compounded In Dallas

    They pull TP due to low demand, but continue to compound Anadrol. That makes sense.
  8. D

    Testosterone Propionate - Still Compounded In Dallas

    Can you doctor not call them and give them a script direct? No confirmation on my end for pricing yet. If it’s $200 / bottle I’d buy it. It’s not likely to be more than Empower.
  9. D

    Testosterone Propionate - Still Compounded In Dallas

    For anyone like me who is fretting over Empower’s discontinued production of Testosterone Propionate, I have found a compounding pharmacy out of Dallas that is still producing it. Please redirect your Test Prop prescriptions to this compounding pharmacy. With adequate sales volume, we can...
  10. D

    Testosterone Propionate Discontinued by all pharmacies

    WP Pharma Labs out of Dallas still compounds Test Prop. Send you prescriptions to this pharmacy so we can redirect some sales volume and hopefully keep them producing. Compounding Pharmacy Home
  11. D

    Testosterone Propionate Discontinued by all pharmacies

    @Nelson Vergel If you have any contacts at Empower, would you please speak with them? Testosterone propionate isolated has been a critical component of my HRT for 10 years. I cannot tolerate Test E or Cyp for any real length of time. To me, this is life altering.
  12. D

    Testosterone propionate supposedly the best ester?

    8:34 Dr Kurt discussed new metabolites found from Primo that act as an AI similar to Aromasin.
  13. D

    Testosterone Propionate Discontinued by all pharmacies

    Revive RX also has discontinued it.
  14. D

    Testosterone Propionate Discontinued by all pharmacies

    To confirm, it sounds like Empower is the only confirmed compounding pharmacy no longer carrier Test Prop. Does anyone has line of sight into props status with other compounding pharmacies?
  15. D

    Testosterone propionate supposedly the best ester?

    My DHT is much higher on Test Prop and in many ways, including cognitive clarity/performance and well-being, I feel better on this ester.