Recent content by DRay

  1. D

    Interesting blood work review

    When I asked my doctor about the elevated levels, he didn’t have an answer or an explanation. He only suggested that I was taking something else along with TRT. Which, if I was, then I wouldn’t be asking him why my levels were elevated nor would I be posting on this forum asking for opinions.
  2. D

    Interesting blood work review

    I’ve being going to the same pharmacy for three years and they have been supplying me with the same concentration at the same dose. I suppose it’s possible that they changed sources or what oil it is mixed with?
  3. D

    Interesting blood work review

    Hello all, I am looking for opinions on some interesting findings in my bloodwork. A little background: I am 28 years old. 6’1” 215lbs. I have been on TRT for 3 years. My bloodwork has always been somewhat consistent with never any major changes to protocol. I have always been on the same dose...
  4. D

    A Few questions on HCG to maintain fertility

    I use AI as needed. I am low SHBG in the 20’s however I have crashed my E2 plenty of times by taking too much (.25 mg has crashed me before) so I try to stay away if possible. I have not taken such a high HCG dose along with my TRT before so I will be monitoring E2 closely.
  5. D

    A Few questions on HCG to maintain fertility

    You and I have very similar characteristics. I am 28 years old and have been on TRT for three years. I used HCG in addition to TRT intermittently over the course of the three years. 250iu 2x a week. I had a semen analysis done and my sperm count was 22 million (not great but not completely...
  6. D

    Fertility success! Now back to TRT

    My doctor prescribed me 100mg/day clomid which was a LARGE amount and the side effects were pretty bad. I titrated down to 25mg/day and that was tolerable. I got on clomid solely for the purpose of conception so I was okay with higher dosing and temporarily dealing with negative effects to...
  7. D

    Fertility success! Now back to TRT

    Hello all! Brief update, I recently stopped TRT and got on clomid therapy in hopes to increase fertility to get my wife pregnant. Success! My wife is now 6 weeks pregnant. I have attached links to my previous threads regarding my fertility journey: Fertility help Blood results for fertility...
  8. D

    Blood results for fertility

    Thanks Vince. Yes, I plan on going back to TRT + HCG to keep fertility going and not have to do a restart again should we decide to have more children.
  9. D

    Blood results for fertility

    Hello all, I have been on TRT for 2.5 years. My wife and I are trying to conceive so I started a restart protocol one month ago. I started another thread with more detail that can be found here: Fertility help I have since lowered my clomid dose to 25mg/day and ceased the HCG therapy. I am...
  10. D

    Fertility help

    And how was your results using 25mg/day? Did it restore your levels? Fertility success?
  11. D

    Fertility help

    Thanks Vince. And I’m assuming you mean ONLY use Clomid and cease the HCG?
  12. D

    Fertility help

    Hello all, Currently, my wife and I are hoping to conceive. I have been on TRT therapy for 3 years now. I have also used HCG for the first two years, though, this past year I stopped taking it (I feel better on T only). I am 27 years old. I saw my doctor and his fertility/restart protocol is...
  13. D

    Low T, Low E2, High SHBG=high prolactin?

    Hello all, I wanted to give an update on my situation. It’s been 4 weeks since I’ve switched from EOD to E3D injections. I got bloodwork done in hopes of seeing some improvement in numbers from the previous bloodwork. I will compare both below. 4/26/18 bloodwork Total T 586 (264-914) Free...
  14. D

    Low T, Low E2, High SHBG=high prolactin?

    My free T is a 10 on a 9-26.5 reference range and I feel the effects of that. I have negative symptoms which is why I pulled bloodwork. My numbers are off and that confirms my symptoms. Which is why the concern with numbers. The concern with SHBG is so I can increase my free T. I have always...
  15. D

    Low T, Low E2, High SHBG=high prolactin?

    Yes, my symptoms definitely got worse after taking AI and tanking E2. I get that part. I won’t be taking an AI. BUT...what I don’t understand is why my T levels have lowered and SHBG has doubled. I’m going to stick with my total weekly dose of 200mg but try E3D injections to increase T and...