I got all the rest of my latest labwork in yesterday. I will publish it right here as soon as I get a few minutes.
I am QUITE surprised. You may be, too.
Learned A LOT from this experience!
No, we sure do not want to reduce any of the many, important health benefits of estrogen. I just wish we had an idea of what an optimized level would be (and is probably different for everyone, like everything else). I also wish we knew if really high levels were bad for us in any way.
Thank you.
I am wondering how long you went after stopping the anastrozole? I ask because these things can even out over time.
From what I read, you describe any negative potential effects as "slight decreases". I am wondering if they would pass after a few weeks. Also, such subjective reports...
I wish to acknowledge, and thank, Nelson's provision of this forum for all of us. He is decidedly against AI use, but still, in a very open-minded way, allows free discussion of the topic. That is precisely why I came here to open this thread, as I want to hear from guys who went off their AI's...
You betcha! I read what you said, and was exactly why I came here to ask the good members of this forum for their experiences.
Of note, I have never prescribed an AI to a patient if they did not have symptoms of elevated E. So we need to figure out why it is some guys are just great at high...
I will share my whole story, right here. This is a process that has gone on over the past 2 years. As many of you know, I have personally tried the protocols I use, to get the feel for them. As always, I am but n=1, but have always gained a good "feel" for what my patients might experience like...
I have now gotten myself off Anastrozole. Started this quietly over a month ago. I had to personally experience how it felt. Lowered my dose of test cyp subsequently, and I feel even better than before!
I do think AI's are over prescribed in our field. After reading the experiences of many of...
Yes, let's talk about "Sweet Spot".
To my mind, there is no such thing as correctly tightening E2 within some mythical ideal range. Given differences in genetics, metabolism, receptor density, EDC exposure etc etc the difference across the population is far too great for such a thing to even be...
Every Lab Director in the country knows immunoassay is invalid for adult males. If you run the wrong run, it will tell you so on the printout when you get the results back.
Excellent point. That is the difference between association and causation.
For instance, visceral fat produces lots of estrogen. It's also extremely inflammatory. So we see the high E and the illness, and blame it on the E; it was the inflammation all along.