Recent content by Dominatio

  1. D

    Tadalafil 5mg Daily Side Effects

    I mentioned those points in earlier messages. My BP dropped by around 10 points in both Sys and Diastolic. Viagra causes me worse issues to the point of being useless (difficult to get aroused when you are seeing sparks and flushed like Santa after a sleigh ride LOL).
  2. D

    Tadalafil 5mg Daily Side Effects

    Thanks for that clarity Rick, that makes some sense to me now. I’ll try the 2.5mg after food and see if I can build it up (ifI need to). Ian
  3. D

    Tadalafil 5mg Daily Side Effects

    I enjoyed the BP reduction too, I had 145 - 152 / 80's prior to starting despite BP medication. With the Tadalafil at 5mg that dropped to 122-135 / 70's. But the headache I experienced was extreme - not something to just shake off. Thinking a 2.5mg daily might help when I restart at the weekend.
  4. D

    Tadalafil 5mg Daily Side Effects

    Thanks Vince - that's what I was hoping. I've come off the daily at the moment to get back on an even keel, but hope to start them again at the weekend - see if the sides come back as strongly.
  5. D

    Tadalafil 5mg Daily Side Effects

    Thanks for the response Rick Do you mean higher doses such as 10-20mg or on the 5mg? I do take the daily before food but the effects are throughout the day (any time 8am thru 11pm and even during the night!
  6. D

    Tadalafil 5mg Daily Side Effects

    Apologies if I'm in the wrong place to post this, not been here since 2017 so out of practice with the forum. I have been experimenting with Tadalafil 5mg daily, my GP (in England) will only prescribe Sildenafil at 4 a month, I get all the usual side effects from that drug which makes it...
  7. D

    Testosterone Viscosity - Injection Advice

    Thanks Vince - I tried that when I was doing SubQ but seemed with little success. Not sure how warm I can make it before I start to effect the plastic of the syringe etc? Any thoughts on how the concentration of Test affects the viscosity?
  8. D

    Testosterone Viscosity - Injection Advice

    Hi Folks I have been using Gentech Test 300 Enanthate (300mg/ml). Its incredibly thick and difficult to administer. I use 1ml 30g 12mm insulin pins to inject it, typically back-filling the syringe first. At first I was injecting E3.5D and using SubQ at 28mg each (100mg / week), but due to low...
  9. D

    High HCT

    Hi Coast - I don't have a problem with private treatment (all my other treatments are private), though the only facility looking at TRT seems to be the one in the south of UK. Their costs are astronomical as far as I can see from browsing their web site and info! Any other suggestions on UK...
  10. D

    High HCT

    Oddly though, my ferritin levels were well above scale on previous blood panel whilst iron was within scale. This time both iron and ferritin were within scale, so likely not a contributor to the high HCT. I'll check my intake anyway for future reference.
  11. D

    High HCT

    Great points, hadn't considered the multivitamin. I'll check that.
  12. D

    High HCT

    Thanks HelathMan From research I think your experience is not exceptional, grapefruit is out for me due to other medications and there seems no other medicinal treatment (that I can discover) to lower the HCT. Looks like I'll need to approach my GP, though that will be a repeat of the previous...
  13. D

    High HCT

    Previous Heart Issue - cant donate because of it.
  14. D

    High HCT

    Not appropriate to give blood, and grapefruit is contra indicated for other medications I use. I was anticipating some sort of blood thinner or other medication. Really don't want to go back to low T challenges. Recently changed from, initially Testogel 2 sachets daily, to sub T E3D, to now...
  15. D

    High HCT

    Hi Folks My last blood panel came back with HCT at 0.52 (0.37 - 0.5), up from 0.44 in three months. Being in the UK they don't have such a thing as therapeutic phlebotomy, so before I get a Doctors appointment (who is not supervising my TRT) I hope to get some understanding of the types of...