Recent content by DJ87

  1. D

    Scrotal Testosterone Cream

    Hey guys, It seems like this has been a great method to increase libido for many of the members and in particular DHT levels. For those where it has worked when you have introduced cream with normal injections is there a protocol that you found worked best or a cream dosage that was sufficient...
  2. D

    Low DHEA

    Interesting, thanks JA. I did not know DHEA injections existed. Any brand/dosage you could recommend?
  3. D

    Low DHEA

    I am sitting around 150 right now and should be at least around 300 to be mid range. Not sure what is causing the side effects, maybe sublingual would be better than oral if it does not need to pass through the liver first.
  4. D

    Low DHEA

    Best way to describe it would overstimulation when I take it. Moody as well.
  5. D

    Low DHEA

    Thanks Vince, it may end going that way even though I would prefer to have "ideal" levels. Did you have low DHEA before supplementing and anything positive at all after taking it for some time?
  6. D

    Low DHEA

    Anyone have low DHEA levels and still unable to tolerate supplemental DHEA? I tried 25mg(cheap brand) and even 10mg of micronized Pure Encapsulations brand and had similar responses to it. I would compare it to elevated estrogen, but the 10mg dosage was so low I doubt that would be the case...
  7. D

    Free Testosterone Tests

    Thanks Madman, appreciate the insight as always! Here are some of the relevant labs below. RBC - 5.91 x10E6/uL (4.14 - 5.80) Hemoglobin - 16.2 g/dL (13.0 - 17.7) Hematocrit - 49.7 % (37.5 - 51) Albumin - 4.7 g/dL (4.0 - 5.0) Globulin - 2.2 g/dL (1.5 - 4.5) AST - 22 IU/L (0 -40) ALT - 23 IU/L...
  8. D

    Free Testosterone Tests

    Thanks for the response ERO, I feel good on this protocol and have been on it for the past year and half without changes. My FT(direct) and TT dropped from around 29(FT direct) and 1000(TT) recently and was curious what another assay would pull.
  9. D

    Free Testosterone Tests

    Hey Guys, I received two different sets of free testosterone labs and am trying to make sense of them. The first was LabCorp's Equilibrium FT test and the second was their Direct FT test. What is the difference and which labs would be more accurate in this case? For reference my SHBG is 20 and...
  10. D

    PSA levels on TRT - SURVEY

    Mine has stayed consistent at .4 for the past year or so.
  11. D

    Efficacy of Aspirin for Vasculogenic ED in Men

    Interesting madman, good info! I have always heard that aspirin reduces E2 by blocking aromatase activity, but have no idea how true or not that is.
  12. D

    SHBG Effect on TT, FT and DHT

    Three times a week. Would love to try daily but I believe the scheduling would be difficult at this time.
  13. D

    SHBG Effect on TT, FT and DHT

    Feel good, I have been on this protocol for about 10 months. The only negative that I have some high E2 symptoms. I am not on an AI and my E2 runs around 40(standard Lab Corp ranges). Seems like people have reported some great success getting their SHBG and E2 the same or around that ballpark...
  14. D

    SHBG Effect on TT, FT and DHT

    What was your SHBG before starting?
  15. D

    SHBG Effect on TT, FT and DHT

    Hey guys, I am going to be trying NDT in the near future to increase my low thyroid numbers and am hoping a side effect may be increased SHBG from what other members have experienced. That said my TT is 1100, FT 29 and DHT 60. Right now my SHBG sits around 16. Say it increases to 30 what kind...