Recent content by Deleted member 43589

  1. Deleted member 43589

    The Impact of Protein on Muscle Mass Gain: The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

    Madman, I am not sure yet why I bothered replying to anything you post. After you showing your ignorance on women and testosterone I thought I had learned my lesson. These studies are really cool, but I can promise you are no professional athletes that are wasting their time participating in...
  2. Deleted member 43589

    The Impact of Protein on Muscle Mass Gain: The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth

    Live and let live Madman. Thank goodness the whole world is not like you and the rest of us feel free to take a different paths in life. Lots of professions include putting your life on the line and lots are willing to do the job. Most all of my family served in the military in war times and...
  3. Deleted member 43589

    The Impact of Protein on Muscle Mass Gain: The Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth The belief that anabolic response to feeding during post-exercise recovery has an upper limit … lacks scientific proof. MPS was stimulated to a greater extent...
  4. Deleted member 43589

    I’ve ran out of trt " We observed higher plasma, muscle, and whole-body protein synthesis rates following the ingestion of 100 g protein when compared to 25 g protein and placebo, respectively. " Trommelen et al, the authors...
  5. Deleted member 43589


    Here is a good posing
  6. Deleted member 43589

    Got my MRI back.. I have something called" empty sella syndrome"

    Seems like you would be. I am sure your doctor will get blood work done to see what hormones values need to be enhanced.
  7. Deleted member 43589

    Got my MRI back.. I have something called" empty sella syndrome"

    Here you go.... Empty sella syndrome (ESS) is a medical condition characterized by the partial or complete emptying of the sella turcica, a bony structure in the skull that houses the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is a small, pea-sized gland located at the base of the brain, often...
  8. Deleted member 43589


    Here is the article
  9. Deleted member 43589


    Yes, just for TRT. I saw a great article about libido. There is so much more tied to your libido than just testosterone levels. I will see if I can find it and post it later on. Your levels of blood testosterone are very individual and may depend on how much you take. I was always taking...
  10. Deleted member 43589

    BPC/TB for tendonitis/trigger finger

    1st off I want to make clear that there is very little research on these peptide with humans. Quite a lot in animals. There is however quite a lot of observational evidence that has show both peptide to work good in healing. I have used BPC 157 successfully in some pretty good muscular tears...
  11. Deleted member 43589


    I have been doing anabolics for about 44 years now. I know my sweet spot and it is all about where my serum testosterone levels are. For me it is over 900ng/Dl. Many may disagree but this has always worked for me. My last test in December '23 I was at 880ng/Dl.
  12. Deleted member 43589

    Growth hormone replacement therapy reduces risk of cancer in adult with growth hormone deficiency: A meta-analysis

    Abstract The risk of growth hormone on cancer in adult with growth hormone deficiency remains unclear. We carried out a meta-analysis to evaluate the risk of cancer in adult with and without growth hormone replacement therapy. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, China National Knowledge...
  13. Deleted member 43589


    Honestly I even went every 90 day, doing 1000mg the 1st week and had a high test level at the end and felt just fine. At that point in my life I enjoyed not have to do IM injections but once a month.
  14. Deleted member 43589


    I tried the 10 week thing and actually had a pretty high T level when I went in to do blood work. I think it was about 989. I also had very good results when I went 750mg every 4 months. As I just mentioned using the same dosage of the 10 week injections split up to small in injections sub-q...
  15. Deleted member 43589


    I believe this is very individual but I made the switch to a generic version of Nebido years back. I am glad I made the change. I have gone from IM injections to sub-q injections and it is working very well.