Recent content by DaytonaJonah

  1. D

    New Thyroid Blood Results Coming Soon...Need Advice On Old Results

    Thanks Systemlord for your feedback. I didn't realize you're now off trt and your problems were unrelated to testosterone. Interesting that your sweet spot is such a low-ish number compared to so many others that complain of low T symptoms with such. Perhaps many of us are chasing well-being...
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    New Thyroid Blood Results Coming Soon...Need Advice On Old Results

    My trt journey has been all over the map, high doses, low doses, different esters, injections ed, eod, e3d, hcg, etc., etc. And I have been pretty diligent to start a protocol and stick with it for at least 8 weeks or so to see if benefits manifest before changing. Yet that sweet spot never...
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    Low Free T with Very High Total T - Where to go now?

    Here where I live, none of the clinics use cFTV testing. To access that, or the possibility of Equilibrium Dialysis or Ultrafiltration methods, is a 4-hour drive away to Guadalajara. So, that just isn't going to happen.
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    Low Free T with Very High Total T - Where to go now?

    Going back in time to my old test results...if I take my FT at 66.40 pg/mL and convert to ng/dL it gives only 6.64 ng/dL...and that is a very big difference from the calculated FT. I know the debate re calculations, gold-standard tests, sub-standard tests...but, even though the "calculated" FT...
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    Low Free T with Very High Total T - Where to go now?

    Madman, thanks for posting my old post! I don't have that test result in my records, so I didn't have it for reference.
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    Low Free T with Very High Total T - Where to go now?

    My SHBG in the past has ranged historically(appr. a 5 year period) between: 36-39 nmol/mL My last SHBG test however was about 18 months ago, so not sure where it sits as of now. I will get it tested again this week.
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    Low Free T with Very High Total T - Where to go now?

    A few months ago I looked over my past blood tests and found that my free T levels were 10% of what most men are posting here...and I have never felt dialed in. In times past, my Test-enanthate doses have ranged from 50mgs to 90mgs weekly and I've tried daily, EOD, E3.5D, & weekly. With that...
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    Pain level experience during cystoscopy

    Key: "...numbing gel going in". I'm glad you had a practitioner with enough compassion to give you a "numbing gel" prior to inserting a cold metal camera up your penis. I didn't.
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    Botox for your sexual health.

    Your report is extremely good news to us older guys giving us some real hope there is a bona fide legit way to regain youthful sensation and performance again...I'm very happy for you! There are very few things in life more important to us men, than our ability to enjoy satisfying sex with the...
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    Botox for your sexual health.

    Ribeye, how was your sexual/physical experience when using the Bocox shot? Sensation and orgasm strength? Diminished, enhanced, or no change from normal? Erection quality just good enough?...or, throbbing 100%+? (I see you posted answers to my questions just as I was posting this...thank you)
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    Stanozolol for Sexual Function?

    Get your blood tested for lipids to establish a starting baseline...then, try what your doc is recommending and see how you do. Blood re-tested after 8 weeks or so to make sure you're still in a good range.
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    In the search for libido. Started Wellbutrin XL

    M.J., take a look at starting kegels for eq. At first, it was a little challenging to do them daily for me, but in time I now do them instinctively in 2 sets of 10 exercises every other day(a rather modest amount compared to most)...and yet they've made a very big difference for my morning wood...
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    Wellbutrin (Bupropion) Users...

    Thanks for the update, as I'm also dealing with same issues with hCG when I take too much per week. When I don't take it, I seem just flat sexually, but then feel so much better when I start up again but then it goes into anorgasmia when I take too much. Others find success by "cycling" hCG...
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    Wellbutrin (Bupropion) Users...

    Quick question: what was it about the HCG and anorgasmia for you?