Recent content by davidrn

  1. D

    Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis Blood Test

    Thanks for this thorough article on RA. (Was diagnosed myself about 20 years ago) For anyone who has RA, important fact, 65% of males with RA have low T
  2. D

    How many units on an insulin syringe to get 300mg?

    Your answer is usually accurate. I use T Cyp, 200mg/ml, so the math would be (total 10ml vial) 2000 mg=10 ml so 200mg = 1 ml and 100 mg = 0.5 ml (my dose is 8mg qd (daily)/ I dose every other day (QOD) at 16mg = 0.08 ml The...
  3. D

    Legal or rx marijuana for sleep?

    One suggestion I would make is to find a person who is knowledgeable on marijuana and which types suit the purpose you need. If sleep is (close to) 100% of your rationale for its use then there are a huge number of options to choose from for whichever issue you hope the MJ will solve. Looking...
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    Legal or rx marijuana for sleep?

    When I was working, I told my older patients who had that complaint, about night time urinating, a plan for helping. I suggested when they wake up they drink from their largest glass, after dinner they should shift to the smallest glass, if they awoke in the night and needed to drink, I a shot...
  5. D

    Legal or rx marijuana for sleep?

    I can answer this question. Have severe RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) and take a biologic med (Humira) and a chemo drug (Methotrexate) for meds for the RA, was diagnosed 20 years ago. I awoke multiple times at night in the past, mostly from turning, and the pain in my joints would wake me up. I got...
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    Low SHBG, scrotal T cream increased DHT, drove E2 to <2

    As my coffee mug say's, I am not retired, I am a professional grampy. So, I was planning on visiting the grandson for a couple weeks, I had time in the AM before leaving to get labs, and I woke up at 1am,applied the T cream and got tested at 0830. ( he lives in a non testing state) I have a...
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    Low SHBG, scrotal T cream increased DHT, drove E2 to <2

    I did get one free E2 test a few years ago, because of my low SHBG, the results were WNL, but there are no real optimal levels listed anywhere, so I don't know what we can do with the actual results. I lost my account last week, and I got a new account, thought I would move the question over...
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    Low SHBG, scrotal T cream increased DHT, drove E2 to <2

    I have to believe that the <2 E2 was a lab error, it came up at the next lab test with very little changes. I did dilute my scrotal cream from 50mg/ml to 25mg/ml , that brought my FR/TT both within range . (My MD writes an Rx for 200mg cream, then I dilute it 400%, do this mostly for cost...
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    Using Dopamine Supplements to Hack Motivation: the Neurobiology of Ambition

    For those who have never heard about LDN (low dose naltrexone) it is an anti opiod drug that taken at lose doses has a positive effect on the immune system. It helps the immune system by temporarily (aprox 2 hours, during the night) decreasing the amount of dopamine receptors, your body reacts...
  10. D

    Managing Female Sexual Pain

    Sad the researchers had to define male and female, (to protect them from the trans community) but, that's the way things are heading (for now) in the PC/Woke world.
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    Low SHBG, scrotal T cream increased DHT, drove E2 to <2

    Thanks for your response, do you think increasing DHT (R/T Test Cream to scrotum) was the only factor at work? Or did you have any other issues that changed when your E2 dropped? I am unsure at what is in play here, my issues are the low SHBG, and the cream raising my TT and DHT. E2 has to have...
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    Low SHBG, scrotal T cream increased DHT, drove E2 to <2

    Agree, I would be suspect of the result, but, I had two labs with those low E2 levels. My first was 5, and I wasn't sure about accuracy, and I didn't feel different, so waited. I retested a month later and I believe it was accurate when it came out <2, after no protocol changes, and two low E2's...
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    Low SHBG, scrotal T cream increased DHT, drove E2 to <2

    My SHBG has run in the 12-15 range with pretty much any TRT changes I have made. My protocol last month was T Cyp (SQ) 24mg x3/wk, HCG 200 iu 3x wk, DHEA 25 mg 3 x wk, Pregnenolone 50mg 3 x wk, and T Cream to scrotum each night, a very small dose. Seemed to work, and a set of labs found DHT was...
  14. D

    Doc gave me a requisition number - do I get to see the results?

    Establishing a patient portal account helps with getting quick lab results for either Lab Corp or Quest. Better for you to see the actual results, not just hear the doctor proclaim the usual (BS) "your fine, everything is within normal limits". Accepting this comment is a mistake, we always...
  15. D

    Lipid Panel Results

    Have you had your Thyroid tests checked recently? Hypothyroidism and high total cholesterol are related. I just wrote this exact comment a week or two ago, that pre 1960, cholesterol testing was done, but not as a cardiac measure, but to discover hypothyroidism.