Thank you Nelson! Very interesting regarding Taurine. There was also a study that showed taking NAC alongside HCG counteracts oxidative stress and prevents HCG-induced apoptosis in rat Leydig cells.
Thanks madman, great information! I currently inject test cyp once a week on Mondays, 100mg. I do this for simplicity and also because I haven't noticed much of a difference in terms of how I feel on 100mg once a week vs 50mg twice a week.
When it comes to HCG, would injecting 750iu - 1000iu...
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (From the book Testosterone: A Mans Guide,
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) (not to be confused with human growth hormone, or HGH) is a glycoprotein hormone that mimics LH (luteinizing hormone), produced in pregnancy by the developing embryo soon after...
For what it's worth Nu Image Medical has a 4th of July sale which ends today. I would stick with pharma grade enclo if it were me. Can't put a price on your health.
I'm sorry the Jatenzo did not work out for you. Please keep us updated on how the Natesto is working for you. It's something I may consider as well at some point. Good luck my friend!
Oh got it! This is Alpha GPC as I know it. It supposed to be the best choline supplement because it crosses the blood brain barrier easily. I'm no grandpa but could definitely use some help in the libido department so going to give this a try haha!
It's a great question and one I have as well. I have read 500iu to 1000iu a week to help prevent testicular atrophy. I guess it's possible < 500iu a week could work but it seems like 500iu tends to be the minimum.
Systemlord is spot on. Your TSH seems a bit high. You should get a TPO antibody test to check for Hashimoto's Disease. You also want to check your Free T3 and Free T4 hormone levels and make sure they are at least in the middle of the normal range. Low thyroid levels can definitely make you...
Thank you Systemlord! This is exactly the perspective I was looking for. Very helpful! I have low Free T and high SHBG so that's why I am trying Kyzatrex first. But I am getting some MPB so wanted some perspecitve on which delivery may exacerbate that more. Really appreciate it!