Cialis/Tadalafil is a long acting medicine that stays in your system 24 to 36 hours whereas Viagra/Sidenafil is quick acing and lasts up to 4 hours. I taken 10mg of Tadalafil in the morning and 100mg of Sidenafil a night if I am going to be sexually active. Sometimes they work most times they...
What kind of A1C or glucose ranges do you see that impacts SHBG. My A1C was 5.7 with glucose at 106 for October. SHBG 17.8 (19.3-76.4). TT 707 FT 23.6 E2 16.2 (8.0-35.0)
Results on 1/14 TT 328 but no FT or SHBG test, A1C 6.0 with glucose at 120.
Seems a direct correlation...
I started testosterone 20.25 mg/1.25 gram (1.62 %) gel 1 pump on each arm in April and increased to 2 pumps or arm in May with increased T Levels up to 707 in October. T gel caused atrophy so started 20 units of HCG and gradually increased to 40.
Now "again" experiencing reduced energy and...
So went from 20 to 40 units of HCG over the last 21 weeks and testicles have increased in size. Experiencing lower energy and increased tiredness.
Decreased T Levels now evident in last 2 test results. Reached out to Dr and this was his response.
In 8/2020 your testosterone measured 707 and...
I would say that if you passionately kissed before leaving for work then it would jump start the fireworks that would likely be "shot off" later that night. Been married 18 years and not something that I would normally do but then again I we would have to be late for work!
Only been on 20 units x2 weekly for a month. Slight increase in size and they now hang out more as before they were tight against my body. I see my Dr. next week and will talk about bumping up the dose.
On the topic of needles ... I recently started using HCG with 31g needle. I've noticed that inserting the needle into the rubber seal of the cold vial is challenging and sometimes the needle may have a slight bend when withdrawn. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? Do you let the...
Cataceous ... I never related it to atrophy when I experienced similiar testicle pains about 2 months ago after being on Androgel. Thought that I had just pulled something or overexerted myself but it makes perfect sense now. Started 0.2 ml /x2 weekly injections of HCG 1-1/2 weeks ago to...