Recent content by DaveK22

  1. D

    Trimix "burn" for the Misses

    These are BD brand alcohol swabs with 70% alc strength (nothing else stated on packet). I can see how a vagina would be extra sensitive to that. I think we all have made the mistake (once) of putting cologne on our yea that was def not fun lol I plan to next time use an alcohol free...
  2. D

    Trimix "burn" for the Misses

    I gave it some more thought...maybe I just simple do quick wash with water & soap after injecting to remove any alcohol residue. Or maybe those baby wipe things are easy assuming alcohol free too. Luckily wifey doesn't need lube ;)
  3. D

    Trimix "burn" for the Misses

    For the Trimix users here... has anyone had any complaints from the "partner" complaining about a burning sensation during sex? (...and no it's not a STD lol). I'm 99% sure it's the alcohol swipe I use to prep the injection site. Assuming that's the cause...any ideas on if there is something...
  4. D

    Back Shavers....anybody use this?

    As we know...waxing is probably best but not very convenient and can be costly. I'm shirtless in public for only like 3 months out of the year so just looking for a quick simple solution. Has anyone tried these long handled back shavers? Dozens of choices on Amazon. Any pros or cons in general...
  5. D

    BPC-157 injection site importance?

    If anyone has a good source...shoot me a DM. Thx
  6. D

    Pregnyl vs ReliableRX HCG?

    Yup! Like Vince 5 vials at a time. It justifies the shipping mostly. Here is a screenshot from my order a few weeks ago... For me, it's $17.06 per vial total
  7. D

    California residents: What pharmacy do you get your testosterone from now?

    I use a reliable UGL source & couldn't be happier. I had a DR script but dealing with the pharmacy & insurance BS in NY wasn't worth it. Not for everyone but for me UGL works great. When I did get via CVS, it was just a generic from India. Maybe not every UGL is as good...but mine has 3rd party...
  8. D

    Problem reconstituting Puretrig HCG...

    Final post on this thread...turns out the problem all along was the large filling syringes (3 pack) I ordered off Ebay. Lesson learned there I guess! After using the syringes to reconstitute a peptide, and then had the same "pressure issue" that I had with filling my HCG, I made the connection...
  9. D

    Is it impossible to get 10ml vials anymore?

    Assuming your vial is 200mg/ml, then your .5 ml per week is 100 mg which is a "typical" TRT protocol. Your 1 ml vial would be for 2 weeks then...i.e. 2 injections from 1 vial. If you're discarding any vial with more than a few drops left...something is wrong with the protocol and/or calculation...
  10. D

    TRT & Telmisartan Users Poll

    I may need to go from 40 to 80...been hovering around 140'ish/90-95. Had same numbers pre TRT too PS I changed my vote from 40 to 80 effective today
  11. D

    TRT & Telmisartan Users Poll

    Just curious what dose users of telmisartan for high blood pressure are using while on TRT? I had high BP before TRT so it's an ongoing challenge. Just curious as to what dose most are using...
  12. D

    First Time User of Trimix, recommended 50 Units! I'm worried

    I was fck'd up by a PA. He started me on 40 mg a day for first month. Felt great, great libido, skin was going good too. Then month 2 he says we're going to 80mg for next 4 months... I questioned that (knowing the risks with 'tane) and he says "that's what we always do". So about 10 days later...
  13. D

    First Time User of Trimix, recommended 50 Units! I'm worried

    Google "accutane sexual dysfunction" and you can read for hours about it. It's similar to Post Finasteride Syndrome. Or search some of my older threads where I warned others and linked many sources.
  14. D

    Is it impossible to get 10ml vials anymore?

    My UGL uses grape seed oil + silicone stopper. Easy draw and never a dull needle. They post 3rd party lab tests along with great customer service. I'm not "promoting" as I have nothing to gain from stating it's just me mostly saying there are options out there for those fed up with...