Recent content by Dansk

  1. D

    High Creatinine number

    your correct. Thanks
  2. D

    High Creatinine number

    When the level gets to 2.0 or more, then you should repeat otherwise your fine.
  3. D

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Update: Hydroxychloroquine and Other Treatments

    Seems to be a timing issue, receiving sooner rather than when your in full respiratory distress may have better outcomes.
  4. D

    Have you personally been affected by the novel coronavirus?

    most will be just like you, some will feel more shitty than others. Thanks for sharing.
  5. D

    Coronavirus COVID-19 Update: Hydroxychloroquine and Other Treatments

    Returned to work today after a couple days off. working with positive patients, one who is 80 and multiple Comorbs. He did receive the anti malaria drug and azithiromycin. and they are looking to discharge him after 2 negative follow up tests. Hearing similar results with other patients. I am...
  6. D

    Timing of labs on T Cream

    why test so soon? relax pay attention to how you feel and get labs in 6-8 weeks.
  7. D

    Have you personally been affected by the novel coronavirus?

    I am working daily in the only ICU the hospital I work at has designated for critical positive patients. All the stories are true about PPE. I am hoping my 85-90% things I do to stay healthy pays off. I'm fully expecting to be infected. I have had the last 2 days off, and i'm fearing what i'm...
  8. D

    COVID-19, Pneumonia & Inflammasomes – The Melatonin Connection

    Interesting. My first thought is kids are destroying their melatonin levels with their Blue light devices, but maybe not low enough.
  9. D

    COVID-19 - Anyone stopping TRT as a precaution?

    This would not be god advice at this time. There is no evidence pointing to T being a problem. older men would likely be low, also likely to have diagnosed or un-diagnosed pre existing conditions. I read articles talking about some preliminary studies from china, there is an enzyme produced in...
  10. D

    Jet Black Stools - Is This A TRT Side Effect?

    Now your finally getting somewhere.
  11. D

    Jet Black Stools - Is This A TRT Side Effect?

    "They are literally jet black with superior foul odor" These are text book GI bleed symptoms. I'm guessing you have been checked out by now.
  12. D

    Tell John Oliver What You Think About Compounding Pharmacies

    he did a piece on the industry I've spent 23 years in (Hemodialysis) and although he did point out the evil side of it, he did not give the piece or the hemodialysis industry any justice. The issues are way to complex to boil it down to a 15-20 comedic diatribe. I suspect the same is true for...
  13. D

    Thyroid and magnesium test results are in

    yeah it is weird, I was thinking maybe its the carrier chemical used to get the mag into the blood stream. Like MALATE in the mag-malate. The neuro-mag has L-theronate in it. Very strange.
  14. D

    Thyroid and magnesium test results are in

    I have tried 3-4 different kinds. Neuro-mag was the worst I was so wired i couldn't sleep. with mag-malate I can sleep but not as well as I normally do. I know I am an outlier on this because when I try to search it I cant find much. I may test my RBC level see what it looks like.