Recent content by dablio

  1. D

    HCG and testicular cancer + Nandrolone instead of Testosterone.

    Hi guys, Thanks for your answers. No, I'm not on 50mg a day of cypyonate, I'm on 25mg a day of cypionate. My testo is around 1300. Basically I take 1 deposteron every 8 days. Is it still a cycle and not TRT? My medical doctor told me about the HCG and testicular cancer, I asked him about it...
  2. D

    HCG and testicular cancer + Nandrolone instead of Testosterone.

    Hi guys, I follow the awesome forum for a while, today I decided to register to ask to questions to the experts. 1) I'm on TRT (200mg/8days) - 0.25ml per day. I saw the videos from ExcelMale about the importance of HCG and some doctors in favor and others not. The ones that are against are...