Gman- not related to this post but saw you were on cjc/ipa peptide. Are you still and what was your experience? Seems pricey but thinking of trying out.
Mood is calm and stable no ups or downs really. Energy is the same just consistent. There’s no OMG this a miracle protocol but I’m finding that doesn’t exist. Think we search these message boards for the perfect protocol but in reality we’re never going to have perfect hormones and will always...
Got some labs back today and have some questions on SHBG. I have been on 200mg Deca 70mg test for 6months now. Daily injections. Last labs were 3 months ago and SHBG was 30 where usually always is. Now 3 months later same protocol my SHBG is 14? Does Deca lower SHBG? Also my estrogen went from...
Love seeing this thread take off! Great talking points. BTW Gman you were right. Acne flare up has a gone down again. I ended going back to daily Deca injections and acne stopped next few days. At this point I am very curious/tempted to just drop the test all together and go Deca only. What is...
Dropped from 70 to 30 test in hopes to reduce acne and increase penile sensitivity. It worked for 2 weeks almost immediately now it’s back. But I do typically react 2 weeks after any protocol change.
I changed to MWF because doing 30mg of test daily would be impossible to draw up in syringe so switch to MWF 70mg Deca 10mg test. Prior was 30 Deca daily and 10mg test daily. So maybe the drop in test from 70 to 30mg a week is causing the outbreak and dose schedule change. I was clear as could...
So I just woke up with a big acne flare up. Big cyst on back and chest and inside my nose? Is this from switching from ED to MWF? I made the change a little over a week ago. Fluctuations and I should wait it out or go back to daily? Thought I had this figured out can’t go back to this acne crap...
Just checking back in. Morning wood everyday, zero acne, no ED but that was never an issue and most noticeably and important to my situation is I can feel my dick again. Sensitivity is totally restored just by knocking the test down. I have decided to stop the HCG all together as I was only on...
Also what kind of dosing schedule would you recommend? I do daily now but getting 30mg of test daily would be really hard to draw out. Should I move everything to like a MWF split? Or would this cause estrogen rises/fluctuations?
Deca- 70mg (3.5 on syringe) MWF (210mg week)
Test- 10mg MWF...
I have been on this protocol for 5months. My back pain has greatly improved as well as no more acne or bloat. And my mood is much more chill and have way more patience. I don’t feel as “on” all day long now like stimulated feeling all day like on test only.
Wow incredible information and exactly what I was looking for! I think for simplicity I’d like to just drop either the HCG or Test and start low and go up from there. Do you think HCG is more beneficial or test? I am only HCG for hopes of improved penile sensitivity, done having kids and don’t...
Deca Base Trial
Hello. I am 35 been on TRT for 5 years and for the most it’s all been positive. I recently switched over to Defy and mentioned the sides I have been having and learned to live with as they aren’t detrimental but annoying. The sides are oily face, acne, slight loss of penile...