I have not tested my prolactin in a few years but this problem was exisiting before I started TRT (One of the reasons I started TRT) Prolactin was always in a normal range when I did test it. I have a long thread on here somewhere with my whole story. LOL
But in a nutshell....My Sensitivity...
I had similar problems that you are having with your E2. I reduced my HCG from 250iu twice per week to 200iu per week and my E2 dropped significantly but so did my T and FT. I then increased my T and it came back up and the E2 went up as well but I was no longer in the upper 60s and low 70s...
Thanks Nelson,
He already has an account with them. That's where he has been ordering from for me for the past 2 years.
I read about the HCG regulations last year and thought it might be an issue in the future. The future appears to be hear now.
That's not a problem for me but last time I told my Doctor I needed it he said that they stopped carrying it and his other source had also stopped carrying it. But reading here, it appears they are still carrying it. My Doc said that they didn't have it listed any longer for sale. He...
Thank you. So is there a difference between Ovidac and Pregnyl etc?
I was unable to find a link to online-pharmacy-group but I do see many places carry this.
I have always ordered from Empower/Local pharmacy for everything I use for TRT. Are most online places safe? LOL I know dumb question...
Hey Nelson,
Where can I find HCG now? I see it on GoodRX and it says it's sold at Safeway, Walgreens etc for around 110 but when I call these places they say they cannot get it. Are we out of luck now?
I have been injecting 200mg HCG twice per week for about a year now with good results. I had to cut the dosage back because my E2 was sky rocketing.
Problem is now I cannot find the HCG anywhere. I started a thread on the subject and any help would be greatly appreciated. I have tried local...
Hey guys,
Been a long while since I posted here. Things are going OK on TRT but now that I cannot get compounded HCG looking for pharmacy sources now.
I have called several places and no one seems to carry it.
Any ideas?
Thank you. Yeah been reading about dosages of anastrozole. I certainly don't want to crash my E2 either. That's what started me on this crazy "adventure" I think my last reading before starting T was 11. Had been like that for years is my guess given the symptoms for years and years.
I just jumped back on again to ask a similar question. Since my T increase to get my levels out of the 500s my E2 has sky rocketed again into the 50 and 60s. My ED has gotten worse again with the need (almost always) for Viagra generic. The bigger part of the problem is penile sensitivity and...
Hard Plaque vs. Soft Plaque.
"The notion that soft plaque is more likely to rupture and cause heart attacks than hard calcium deposits in coronary arteries may be wrong, according to the new study that was presented at the American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions in Washington D.C. on...
Had my calcium heart score done and received the results the same day. Doctor email me and said I scored a perfect score of 0%. The test results say I am at a very low risk of heart disease at this time.
I would urge everyone in their 40's or order to get a calcium heart scan done.
Heart scan (coronary calcium scan) - Mayo Clinic
Mooseman, your post has prompted me to use my script I got from my Dr last year and get it done. I was prompted last year when someone I know who is fit as a fiddle...