Recent content by cocarr

  1. C

    Terrible chest acne

    Coast I had acne on my face buddy but I never really had any on my chest or back. I did get some during football season on my shoulders from my pads but that was to be expected I guess. My chin strap got my chin pretty good too. I had I would say average acne on my face nothing to write home...
  2. C

    Terrible chest acne

    Hydrantd thanks for your reply. I am on test cyp. 200 mg every two weeks. I do bi weekly 50mg injections and have just been bumped up to 300mg injections every two weeks so I am starting 150 per week. 0.75ml as its concentration is the 200mg per ml.
  3. C

    Terrible chest acne

    Easy pal. Im not looking for a pissing match and it looks like you are new here so welcome to the site. The dosage and protocol is irrelevant regarding my question. Was a simple question about acne while testosterone is going up nothing more. I dont expect you or anyone else to look at my...
  4. C

    Terrible chest acne

    Thanks guys I have been around here quite a while and posted my labs plenty. This is not really a lab or dosage question though. My total T is mid 400s with the labcorp ranges of 400-1200 which is why I asked the question. I was low 200s so it has barely moved up in a year but the chest acne...
  5. C

    Terrible chest acne

    I know obviously that my T going up would lead to some acne but my right side of my chest up to my clavicle looks terrible. My face is fine and my back is fine until the small of my back which looks really bad as well. Funny enough my left side of my chest is clear. Most of you guys likely...
  6. C

    First injection 2 hours ago now I feel lightheaded?

    I used a 27g the last two injections and had my wife do my glute. It is much better with no follow up soreness. It does take a bit to load it up so I may try a 25g.
  7. C

    Porn: An often ignored cause of ED

    I think that across the board it has desensitized us without a doubt. Think of a couple generations back when even cleavage was a no no. The level of excitement seeing your sig other nude would have a greater impact than now when you see it everyday and have finger tip access to things that...
  8. C

    First injection 2 hours ago now I feel lightheaded?

    Yea I am a paramedic so I am good with the locations but I had been told that the fluid was too thick for anything smaller than a 22g. I definitely went too deep though. Took "deep IM" literally haa. Ill try a 27 today when I do it.
  9. C

    First injection 2 hours ago now I feel lightheaded?

    What size needle do you inject with Gene? My thighs are 29 inches and contrary to my upper body they are muscular and I used a 22g 1 1/2 inch needle. I am thinking I went too deep honestly.
  10. C

    First injection 2 hours ago now I feel lightheaded?

    Glad you replied Gene. I figured it had to be a coincidence but figured I would ask. I am really excited man I hope that it sorts itself out this time. The gel was such a grind and I can already tell you that the injections are so much easier. I dont have to worry about exposure to my wife...
  11. C

    First injection 2 hours ago now I feel lightheaded?

    It could have been a number of things just bad timing. It just seemed like it could have been. I have felt fine today so I will see how Sunday goes I guess. I scorned the interwebs looking for this and all I found was steroid sites talking about it which are completely useless. Most guys...
  12. C

    Total T takes a dive after a month on Androgel

    Les read the thread I started titled "I quit my Androgel today". I had the same problem. Initial T was 230 and it jumped to 650 within the first 2 months with my following result being back down to sub 300. We increased my dose and my next results were 289. I have just gave up on the gel...
  13. C

    First injection 2 hours ago now I feel lightheaded?

    Hey fellas I knew switching to injections I would be here a bunch but I injected two hours ago (my first) and now I feel a bit lightheaded. Kind of like I did when I used to take hydroxycut and the original xeneadrine. I am a paramedic thus not afraid of needles or getting poked so this is...
  14. C

    I quit my Androgel yesterday......

    Thank you. I will email that to him and hopefully get him on board.
  15. C

    I quit my Androgel yesterday......

    Nelson they just discontinued my 1% and my most recent presc. Is the 1.6. Regardless the mg per day is the same. My pcp will not consider hcg as he has never prescribed it. Its not that he wouldn't more he doesnt know about it. Do you have any links that would be usefull in educating him to...