Recent content by CoastWatcher

  1. C

    TRT clinics/docs in Ireland?

    My apologies! It is Thomas Lynch, as you noted.
  2. C

    TRT clinics/docs in Ireland?

    Dr. James Lynch, St. James Hospital, Dublin. A urologist open to treating hypogonadism.
  3. C

    Hello Friends!

    We hope you’ll be an active member.
  4. C

    Donating blood to lower ferritin? And an E2 question/estrone

    “On an E2 note my estradiol sensitive is 22 and my estrone is 81 (range 15-65) anyone know why they wouldn't agree?” Two different hormonal reason they should agree. Why was estrone measured??
  5. C

    Help me guys

    She can review your past medical records and see what your hormone status was when therapy began. Asking you to induce hypogonadism - for months - is an indication she doesn’t know how to play this game. Libido can be an elusive variable. A good doctor would have told you that and then started...
  6. C

    are you on NAC? what is your Ferritin level?

    Second time in the last few weeks that the “NAC lowers ferritin” notion has flashed by me. Anecdotal response: for three years I have taken it and my ferritin levels haven’t moved.
  7. C

    Doctor taking me off TRT, HELP

    It will. And if you are, indeed, dealing with a lab error, you won’t know what your actual levels are. Retest: maintain status quo and repeat the test(s). You’ll be looking at an apple and an orange. But it’s done now.
  8. C

    Lost Empire Herbs

    In addition to these questions, which are on point, I would be curious as to who the “guy on YouTube” is and what his background might be.
  9. C

    Gynecomastia and T dosage

    All since the start of your TRT protocol? In and of itself, that is unlikely to be gyno. Not an impossibility, but unlikely. As is explained here, the diagnosis is a multifaceted and complex issue. How to Avoid Getting Gynecomastia
  10. C

    Gynecomastia and T dosage

    You have clinically confirmed gyno, hard, pellet-like growth in the breasts? Or are you experiencing nipple sensitivity/itching and/or excess fat in and around the nipples?
  11. C

    Gene Stack - Long Term Use?

    Gene, to name one obvious example, has used it for years. How could improving nitric oxide levels, one of the stack’s primary benefits, cause problems?
  12. C

    How to Fix Venous Leak to Improve ED

    Venous Leakage: The Cause of Your ED?
  13. C

    How to Fix Venous Leak to Improve ED

    “How can anyone tell the difference between low t and venous leak?” That’s what blood tests are for. A positive diagnosis for one does not rule out the concomitant presence of the other morbidity. A urologist can sort it out.
  14. C

    All Things Make Gone?

    We hope you’ll be an active member.