Hey guys,
I ordered and received two vials of HCG from reliable. Can anyone share their experiences or vouch for the legitimacy of HCG purchased from them ?
Hey guys ,
I’d like your opinion on the studies linked below, essentially showing that Kisspeptin 10 is a major vasoconstrictor in the arteries , and is associated with inflammatory plaque response.
I was prescribed Kisspeptin-10 from my clinic - and yes it’s sitting in my fridge right now-...
Nelson i am very interested in your take on these studies I found , indicating that Kisspeptin -10 is a significant vaso constrictor on endothelial tissues/ arteries, and show an increased inflammation response and plaque build up .
Hey guys ,
Just curious if anyone has tried HMG from reliable and had any experience with it ?
My wife and I are planning to start trying for children and I would like to try HMG in my protocol . Any input on reliable rx would be great or if you have another preferred source as HMG is on the...
That makes sense . I might try that because I find that the day I inject it I feel energetic and great but then a day or two later I feel moody and “off”