Recent content by Clint 76

  1. C

    Looking for Advice..

    I appreciate all the replies. Things have been working like they are supposed to all this week, so I'm assuming my body just needed to adjust.
  2. C

    Looking for Advice..

    I was doing the twice weekly for almost two years. It's been a more recent development that I was having issues. I switched to the TRT clinic when I felt like I could tell my levels were off or low.
  3. C

    Looking for Advice..

    1.yes 2. This is what they recommended when I moved from using my regular doctor to going to a trt clinic. 3. If it matters, my blood work was done when I had not injected for over 3 1/2 days so I figured that was a factor to the levels being as low as they were. I've been on trt for about 2...
  4. C

    Looking for Advice..

    Thanks for the thorough response. To answer your first question, I was having issues before I would inject on my injection days. I felt like my levels were dropping, I could also kind of notice I was more irritable on those days too. To your second point about HCG, I'm looking at adding HCG...
  5. C

    Looking for Advice..

    I've been on TRT for about 2 1/2 years though my doctor. They initially prescribed 1 ml of 200mg/ml every two weeks Test E. Eventually the pharmacy ran out of Test E and I had to switch to Test Cyp. I was most recently taking .7 ml of Test C every week, with my injections being .35 on Monday...