Recent content by CKO

  1. C

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    Nandrolone only 180mg a week. Nandrolone with test cyp: 150/25 a week. Nandrolone is amazing for joints and anti inflammatory. I can feel the benefits, but you have to watch the mental sides.
  2. C

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    Hilarious and accurate description. Irrational insecurities and jealousy hits me pretty bad with nandrolone. I have to take less than 50mg a week and take a week off every couple months to avoid. I tried running nandrolone solo and with a low dose test cyp. My motivation went to zero, so...
  3. C

    Alternatives to HCG for preventing testicular atrophy.

    Not really if you're on trt. Kind of works options: Gonadorelin which requires frequent injections. Lower dose trt with enclomiphene (100mg or less a week). Test cream or oral test with enclomiphene. That's all I can think of.
  4. C

    TRT and low estrogen

    Thank you and that makes sense. This is what the official copy shows.
  5. C

    TRT and low estrogen

    I just started oxo 2 weeks ago and logic indicates it is causing my issues. No new labs yet. I had low E2 challenges on nandrolone, but no where near this bad. Nelson posted in the past that oxo competes with estrogen in the body and causes issues for some. I'm assuming I'm one of them. It's...
  6. C

    TRT and low estrogen

    Regarding the labs above I should have been more clear. They reflect my previous protocol with nandrolone, which was: 25 mg test cyp, 10mg nandrolone x 3 times a week. 450 HCG IU x 2 week. This will drive up the total T and free T. Good suggestion on lowering oxo and FT. I'll probably eliminate...
  7. C

    TRT and low estrogen

    HCG is pregnyl brand. Hilarious, I didn't want to post the free T lab knowing madman would chime in. I don't order the labs, my doc does....sorry
  8. C

    TRT and low estrogen

    12.5 mg roughly 4-5 doses a week or 50mg-62.5mg a week. Good call on reducing injection frequency.
  9. C

    TRT and low estrogen

    Struggling to keep my estrogen levels up. Weekly protocol 30mg test cyp x 3, HCG 450 IU x 2, Oxandrolone (for joint pain) 12.5mg x 5. I was on nandrolone 50mg a week and had similar issues. My joints feel like they are running l dry, especially my knees. Everything feels normal after hcg for...
  10. C

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    I usually run 180 mg testosterone and 50 nandrolone per week. Any more than that of nandrolone and I get very paranoid. I absolutely love the anti-inflammatory effect it gives me.
  11. C

    Testosterone Cypionate and Nandrolone Decanoate

    Nandrolone is hit or miss for me. Strength gain is notable, reduction in both joint pain and general inflammation is amazing. It sometimes affects my mood by increasing depression and or hyper vigilance (I.e. suspicious of others). 19-nors seem to affect people's mood differently.
  12. C

    Tired? You May Have The Epstein-Barr (EBV) Virus

    Yep. I had a horrible case of Epstein-Barr virus about 15 years ago. Bleeding and the sinuses and my doctor could not figure out what was going on. It felt like I was on an episode of House. Sorry for the old reference. It comes back when my immune system is low and I'm exhausted
  13. C

    Nandrolone at Defy Medical

    Wow this got technical quick. In my experience nandrolone increases synovial fluid which lubricates the joints. I can't say it heals the joint, but from what I remember in anatomy and physiology class, synovial fluid is the primary carrier of nutrients needed for joint health. An increase in...
  14. C

    Are guys that do well on low dose clomid unicorns...or do they really exist?

    Enclomiphene makes your balls huge. It feels great. Yes you develop larger muscles at The top end of the lab scales versus the lower end. But in clomiphene taken daily messes with your estrogen receptors and eventually makes you feel like crap.
  15. C

    Wife has hard time reaching orgasm

    In my experience these challenges for women are usually mental. If she is worried that she won't be able to orgasm then that is all she will think about, which turns into a self fulfilling prophecy. Change the script and just have fun with her, get her mind off of it, then come back to it. As...