Recent content by Checkmate7

  1. C

    ACTH test

    Thanks ,yes I am not going for the acth test not going back to see him.
  2. C

    Acth test

    I read hans seyle " stress of life",a classic model for burnt out athletes in the 70's. The book cited experiments with stressed rats who had enlarged adrenals. They treated the rats with vitamin C ,and they improved. I myself doubt I show symptoms of adrenal insufficiency,as when I exercise I...
  3. C

    Acth test

    Yes ironic isn't it? I read l
  4. C

    ACTH test

    So now my Endo orders an acth test. I asked him about it and he said it is to check if I have adrenal insufficiency. And added that if I did he would give me a medicine,but not hormones ,cause he does not believe in hormones. My cortisol was 7.5 on the low side ,but within range. My free test...
  5. C

    Acth test

    So now my Endo orders an acth test. I asked him about it and he said it is to check if I have adrenal insufficiency. And added that if I did he would give me a medicine,but not hormones ,cause he does not believe in hormones. My cortisol was 7.5 on the low side ,but within range. My free test...
  6. C

    Endo wants to do acth test. Did not review my medical history,which includes prediabeties

    Well I am reluctant to do the acth test my Endo ordered. Why,cause I have prediabetes .
  7. C

    Latest from my endo

    Especially with my bad digestion, the melatonin I take before bed is delayed due to the full stomach I go to bed with. It is only 5-6 hours does my stomach start to empty, then is when I feel the full groginess of melatonin,accompanied by deep dreams. The test day I only got 6-7 hours sleep, so...
  8. C

    Latest from my endo

    Thank you very much,I appreciate it. I will add,he said my low libido is all in my head. Copout for sure
  9. C

    Latest from my endo

    Well one thing I know is I took a lot of melatonin night before the test. I asked my Endo if melatonin influences levels,he said no.
  10. C

    Latest from my endo

    So now my Endo has scheduled a acth test. He says my corisol 7.5 is borderline low .I don't have low cortisol symptoms other than fatigue. Acth tests run a battery of MRI,skin tests, and brain scans. I just wonder if this is necassary
  11. C

    My new Endo experience

    I believe it, in addition he said that dhea is not good, so I should stop. Also that melatonin does not affect hormone levels,is wrong. Melatonin has shown in tests to raise cortisol. Simply melotonin and cortisol work in opposing cycles, and taking melatonin long term has clinically been show...
  12. C

    My new Endo experience

    The Endo also ordered she's sulfate test.I asked him if melatonin effects lab results and he said no. Also asked him about anything he can give for sex drive ,he replied change my gf,he said my sex drive is fine,though I TD him it is low
  13. C

    My new Endo experience

    So today my Endo said my 757 test was high, but also stated my 62.5 free test was normal. He said my cortisol level was borderline,so ordered repeat tests,along with acth,and she's tests. Cortisol was 7.5
  14. C

    So tommorow I go to my doc.

    I do know the ref range for the test was 250-1100,free test 46-224. Maybe I should ask my endo for other blood work?
  15. C

    So tommorow I go to my doc.

    What should I telly Endo tommorow. Though my level was tested at 757 and free test 62.5. My libido is still low. Any chance my Endo can put me on something?