Recent content by bruin

  1. bruin

    PT-141- New to peptides

    I am beginning my journey into peptides. I have a visceral fat issue and did some research where I came across PT-141. I previously considered this for the libido and possible sex enhancing qualities, but have also realized it is being used for weight management/fat loss, and seeing visceral fat...
  2. bruin

    TRT vs Clomid

    I have been on T and HCG for over 15 years, never had a negative reaction. I get a new PCP who takes me off HCG, says I dont need it Clomid is the way to go. Im experiencing some periods of being anorgasmic, which I have related to periods when I was unable to get HCG. It has also been great for...
  3. bruin

    Firm, painful knot at injection site

    I have had the similar experience, in fact just am getting over the same situation but it is not with T. My Dr. had no explanation, I just chalk it up to an instance where the injectable pools and creates a nodule, in time it is absorbed into the body.
  4. bruin


    While not covered in the video, I've seen elsewhere, to inject about 1-2" from the base, which is what I've always done. I am with you on this procedure, that is how it was explained to me by more than one Dr, and never has an issue
  5. bruin

    Lump on right testicle

    It seems that you are doing the right thing with your current evaluations. This is not an uncommon situation. It is fairly easy to track on your own and with diagnostics. I have had 4 testicular ultrasounds, I learned my lesson the hard way, get a male tech to perform the procedure. Anyway they...
  6. bruin

    SubQ experience?

    Dont overthink this, if you are injecting into your butt chances are it is a subq injection. Other areas depending on body/muscle composition may be slightly different. Not an issue
  7. bruin

    The 4-7-8 breathing exercise could be the trick to quality sleep

    I use a technique where I realize I need to stop my mind from racing, and I begin taking long breathes, rhythmically, and to stop the outside "noise" I replace the noise with the thought "that I am going to fall asleep". This works very well, and sometimes when it does not I get up and have a...
  8. bruin

    SubQ experience?

    Yes, I sit down in a chair and pin. no bumps, rarely feel anything
  9. bruin

    Lump on right testicle

    This is good news that you are taking action for the upcoming Echo, is this discovery from regular self examination? I have a similar history with multiple occurrences, all prior to HCG use, and always a benign situation. I have been on HCG for several years and have experienced probably all...
  10. bruin

    Positive first impression with PT-141

    I also had a pituitary tumor at 25, which is what got me started on HRT. Going back 30+ years the medical industry was not what it is today, I was very lucky I did my own research and initiated my "guerilla" HRT plan. Never had any issues or side affects. Have always had an interest in...
  11. bruin

    Syringes without script

    I use an insulin syringe for T
  12. bruin

    Uncovering the Truth: What an Anemia Panel Can Tell You

    I was diagnosed with Thrombocytopenia; I do not produce a sufficient amount of red blood cells. I do not experience any symptoms associated with this dx In a very recent follow up with my labs it was brought up by my primary that the next step would be a bone marrow biopsy, however, it was...
  13. bruin

    TRT Multidose

    I ordered a "blunt needle" which allows for quick and easy draw from the T vial, then you change the needle out and pin. I have gotten very proficient at using one hand and to inject into my glute
  14. bruin

    Dangerous night time erections, while taking Cialis?

    I think you are worrying about nothing, when you are taking your pill, I would chalk this up to the normal occurrence of the nocturnal erection. I wake up frequently with great wood and I find it reassuring, LOL. I soon fall back asleep and yeah, it subsides. I do not think you could really...