Recent content by blackebob

  1. B

    Good range T and E, free E and DHT through the roof

    I just got my labs back from the first week in October and I'll see that my testosterone is mid-range and my estradiol ultra-sensitive is good but my free
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    Anyone have a Proven product to lower Homocysteine?

    I am assuming I dont as the doc hasnt addressed it other than a high level out of range, >11. I had gotten it down to 8 over the summer so I am guessing I dont have it.
  3. B

    Switching from clomid to test. - why so long waiting

    I switched from a topical to clomid with no break, and I felt like shit with in 1 month. I switched back to topical without a break and started feeling bettor within a week. I then got talked in to taking a month off cold to go from andro gel to compounded cream, that too was a shitty month for...
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    Damn do I envy you guys

    It took me 9 months on androgel to get to feeling really good. You are not getting 180mgs per week. EOD is 7 injections in two weeks. 7x40mgs is 280. 280/2= 140mgs per week. You should up your dosage, and go off of how you feel. What good are great labs if you feel like shit. I feel best out...
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    My daily Testosterone Propionate diary

    After almost 11 months on Cyp, and no end to the water retention in sight that it is causing, I am going to switch to Prop tomorrow. My vial is 100mg/ml. I have ran just out of range numbers on 26mg cy/D, and just had labs after dropping it to 18mg/D for the last 10 weeks. Test numbers had...
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    Visible hole in rubber stopper after fifth injection. Vial contaminated?

    That looks like the same bump. Turn it upside down does it leek? No. And find a new pharmacy.
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    Anyone have a Proven product to lower Homocysteine?

    It was elevated from Metformin, it has lowered from 16 to 13 after stopping it 4 weeks ago.
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    Needle length question

    dumb question but, do I load them the same since they are not insulin syringes? I mean to take a .1 mil load .1mil? I am only asking because somebody made a big dealmout of needle dead space.
  9. B

    Needle length question

    Thank you, I have carted them.
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    Needle length question

    what gauge are you looking at for the inch long? LINK? I am grasping at straws on this water retention, I might try it.
  11. B

    Whether to go on TRT or not while obese

    If you warrant it, take it.
  12. B

    Sleep issues caused by TRT

    mine comes and goes, right now it is reveille at 0430 not 0630. Instantly wide awake. My doc told me as long as I feel rested, its just my body saying battery full get up. I roll with it, and take a nap later.
  13. B

    Androgel not absorbing - Crashed T levels - seeing Endo end of month - need advice

    you need to wear out the search engine here, be your own advocate.
  14. B

    1st post need advice

    I am not an expert, those guys will ask you to post your labs pre/post start. you should do that if you want answers. Me, I go off of pre TRT symptoms.... sex sucked, I felt like crap, and I looked like crap, I have the energy of a snail, thus maybe I should get my T level checked, IF I am brave...