The last lab test (15mg Prop ed/sq) at 4hr peak TT 1312 (280-1100) & FT 321 (47-244) and 24 hr trough TT 624 & FT 172.....
When I run Cyp as opposed to Prop my FT doesn't spike as high at peak and drops 50% or more at trough .... not too mention I feel like crap running steady levels on Cyp...
That's my entire point of chasing my tail... I've never ran anything supra-physiologic.... I've always ran doses that kept me within various ranges of the established labs and at times my FT ran higher due to the low SHBG. I've mostly ran low and moderate dosing throughout my entire time of...
As you know I've tested my Prop levels recently at the 4hr (11 am): 1300, 10hr (5pm): 1000 and 24hr (7am): 600
*protocol: Prop 15mg ed/sq, Inject 7am
If the normal diurnal pattern for Testoseterone for men is peaking in Morning and falling throughout the day into the night... then wondering...
1.5 grains of Armour Thyroid put my Tsh at 1.56 (ideal between 1.0 and 2.0).. also, another benefit to Armour (NDT) is that it greatly helps my lipid profile and raises my SHBG. Only other issue I could possibly think my issue is adrenal exhaustion... I did have sleep study and I do have Sleep...
Are you on UGL or doctor prescribed?
As you know, I am currently on Prop (15mg ED/SQ) I peak at 1300 and trough at 600 (would seem perfect of paper), however, recently I had a set back... Out of the blue last week I was getting insanely tired during the day, like literally almost falling...
Like many of my brothers on this forum I/we have been struggling to get dialed in on TRT..... and the thought process has usual been to try to replicate the normal levels/diurnal rhythm of the body to maintain peak homeostasis, however, even with seemingly normal Total/Free T, E levels, etc.. we...
SHBG was 15 at 4hr and 18 at 24hr..... Libido is decent and no issues performing... been on this current Prop protocol since March 2023 (about 3 months)....
Based on my most recent lab blood work testing at 4 hr post, 10 hr post and 24 hr post/trough with Prop @ 15mg/ed SQ.... I am happy and feel I am in the best position that I'm ever gonna be in with TRT at this point. I don't believe it's coincidence that my sleep is slowly improving especially...
I felt like absolute crap when I was on Cyp... I think my levels were way too steady throughout the day and night on Cyp and I believe it was a big factor to my sleep issues and not too mention I was retaining alot of water. Since making the commitment to Prop the water weight has...
If you are going to run Prop then you need to do ED injections...... the Peak and troughs are too extreme for EOD or 3x wk injects.... this could be the reason why your libido isn't solid, because your trough is extremely low from your peak. I am currently on Prop @ 15mg SQ ED and my numbers...