Recent content by BigJahnny

  1. B

    Adding hcg back to my trt protocol

    That’s great to hear. Thank you for letting me know your protocol. Maybe I will lower my hcg dosage to 500iu 3 times a week and wait another month or two. Thank you
  2. B

    Adding hcg back to my trt protocol

    Maybe my hcg dosage is too high?
  3. B

    Adding hcg back to my trt protocol

    Hello, I’m currently on test cypionate .25mg twice a week and have recently added hcg 1500iu 3x a week ( hcg was out of stock for a while so I had to run test cypionate alone). I’ve been taking hcg for 3 weeks now but still have significant testicular atrophy.( I was on testosterone alone for...
  4. B

    Maintaining LH & FSH on TRT

    Hello, I’m curious how a man can maintain optimal LH and FSH levels while on TRT? Is it possible to be on testosterone injections and a fertility drug and still be able to maintain good LH and FSH numbers ? I keep seeing postings from people who are going to primebody anti aging clinic and...
  5. B

    No LH and very low fsh

    Ok, thanks. Do you think it would be worth lowering my hcg dose first? Or should I give the current protocol a few more months to see if it works? My main goal is to regain testicular size and fertility.
  6. B

    No LH and very low fsh

    I’ve been on HCG( 2500 iu x 2 week) for 5 months and my doc just decided to add 25mg of clomid ed about a month and a half ago. Every time I’ve done bloodwork my LH level is always <.1 IU/L and my FSH is .2 IU/L. Why can’t I get my LH and FSH up? Is it undetectable because I’m on hcg ??