Recent content by Bentiger07

  1. Bentiger07

    Experience with penile phoenix acoustic shockwave device at home

    Sorry for not responding until now. I'll report back when I've finished 9-12 treatments. A review now is premature, but so far, I haven't noticed any help with ED. I did just recently notice a slight increase in morning wood, but it's not clear if it's due to the phoenix or the pelvic floor...
  2. Bentiger07

    Gainswave For ED

    I don't always take the side of the FDA, but if we top that on top of personal experience from people I know, just not enough support. If Mexico/Panama/Colombia has a statement about stem cell therapy for ED or common pains people have (back pain, etc) from a governmental agency similar to the...
  3. Bentiger07

    Gainswave For ED

    Just because there are SOME studies doesn't mean the treatment is validated. So I'm not sure what part of what I said invalid, since I initially said there isn't ENOUGH studies/support/people vouching for it (personally for me to feel comfortable to consider it for my ED treatment), hence...
  4. Bentiger07

    Gainswave For ED

    I wasnt specific enough. I meant for ED. It’s considered experimental at this time, for ED at least.
  5. Bentiger07

    Gainswave For ED

    Interesting feedback. Thank you, but I just don't know enough about stem cell therapy yet to feel comfortable with it. It needs more studies/support/people vouching for it for me to consider.
  6. Bentiger07

    Gainswave For ED

    Reading the last few posts talk about stem cells. While it's useful to hear more about people willing to be the initial testers to use stem cell therapy to treat ED or whatever else its claimed to help, be aware there are alot of shady clinics/promoters pretending to help you thru stem cell...
  7. Bentiger07

    Experience with penile phoenix acoustic shockwave device at home

    I couldnt find all examples of others talking about it like I saw before, but I did find these 2 if it helps you:
  8. Bentiger07

    Experience with penile phoenix acoustic shockwave device at home

    Nelson, if you want me to edit/remove my post/sig, or whatever it was that initially bothered you let me know. Your rules so I’m open to it. I understand how this post might sound like I'm promoting the device. However, I’m really wondering if I’m wasting couple weeks using the phoenix...
  9. Bentiger07

    LDL cut in half

    Got it. Thanks. I was just curious how it felt to cut LDL numbers in half, but I guess not that great for you personally, since you're back on high fat.
  10. Bentiger07

    Experience with penile phoenix acoustic shockwave device at home

    Heard a few people talk about it (including few on these forums), so I bought the GetMyPhoenix (formerly GetMyRocket) phoenix acoustic device for home use to do shockwave therapy, because of it's low cost compared to shockwave sessions in a clinic, and because of the 30 day return policy. I...
  11. Bentiger07

    LDL cut in half

    I'm in slightly above average shape and a healthy BMI, but genetically have higher LDL. Because high LDL is tied to ED, I try to keep it down. Do you think Kyolic Garlic is helping a good deal with that? I considered it, but then I think I recall there was soy in it or something. Soy's not...
  12. Bentiger07

    Unconventional Erectile Dysfunction ED Treatments

    Joe, that was very detailed. Thanks Yes, Dr. Saya told me straight up that T may not help ED but if it does, it would take about 6 months. For that reason, I have nothing bad to say about him. It was actually refreshing to speak to a doctor that didn't appear to have an ego too. I gave it a...
  13. Bentiger07

    Penile Implant For Young Patient Who Exhausted Usual Treatments. Advice.

    Thanks Joe and Max. I couldnt find a doctor Selfe on youtube. To touch on your comments with penile injections, it helped so I'm not writing it off, but I didn't like it for many reasons. Trimix ached, bimix didn't but the response wasn't predictable, I didn't like having to give myself a shot...
  14. Bentiger07

    Unconventional Erectile Dysfunction ED Treatments

    Forgot to mention that, so I added it to the post. After seeing many doctors, cause of ED is unclear to me. After doing an ultrasound, 1 doctor told me I have arteriogenic dysfunction that was caused by trauma I don't recall, or I was born that way. I also researched to learn that more trouble...
  15. Bentiger07

    Unconventional Erectile Dysfunction ED Treatments

    Friends, Hope all's well. I'd be happy to hear people's experiences with unconventional treatments for ED, such as: Pelvic Floor Therapy for Men/ED (most curious about this due to some pelvic pain) Shockwave Therapy (somewhat curious due to reasonable prices if done at home, such as the phoenix...