Recent content by barry1

  1. B

    First time Trimix ER visit

    Sudafed. The real stuff.
  2. B

    You're past fertility concerns; do you take T alone or add HCG?

    As a 77 y/o Nurse practitioner working in mens health I have seen some considerable shrinkage while others will say "they're the same as always" even though, to me, they seem decidedly small. Once read that men who start off with some size to begin with are less likely to experience significant...
  3. B

    You're past fertility concerns; do you take T alone or add HCG?

    I've never taken HCG. 77 now. Been on T 10 years or so. No shrinkage of my balls or my wallet.
  4. B

    Good neww for those with BPH

    I have a friend who was not a urolift candidate. Had aquablation. Very happy with it.
  5. B

    Good neww for those with BPH

    Yes, not everyone is a candidate. Depends on size and shape of prostate but definitely something to consider. For those of you who might consider it, Urolift has a group of physicians they consider "Centers of Excellence" . They're required to do minimum 60 procedures annually, complete addt'l...
  6. B

    Good neww for those with BPH

    I had a urolift 2 years ago. Very happy with the results. I'm 76. Would recommend it to anyone. Check it out. Office procedure, no catheter.
  7. B

    Good neww for those with BPH

    I had a urolift 2 years ago. Very happy with the results. I'm 76. I'd recommend it to anyone.
  8. B

    Anybody on Statin Drugs?

    Go get a cardiac calcium scan. It will help you assess risk. My primary care was pushing a statin for my total chol 212. I reminded him my cardiac ca+ scan perfect. "Never mind" he said.
  9. B

    Weekly shots

    I"m perfectly happy with injecting weekly. Think I 'd get tired of all those shots!
  10. B

    Urolift Prostate procedure and TRT

    I had my uroift at age 74, last year. A year into it now. Happy with it. Not sure I understand why you would stop the test. Urolift designates some MDs as "Centers of Excellence". They do addt'l training and have to perform minimum 60 a year and give before and after results. I'd look for one...
  11. B

    Urolift Prostate procedure and TRT

    I had my uroift at age 74, last year. A year into it now. Happy with it. Not sure I understand why you would stop the test. Urolift designates some MDs as "Centers of Excellence". They do addt'l training and have to perform minimum 60 a year and give before and after results. I'd look for one...
  12. B

    UroLift for Treating Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms of BPH

    I'm 75. Had my Urolift a year ago and very happy with the results. Sorry you lift wasn't all you hoped for. And yes, there does seem to be some improvements in the sexual domain as well. For anyone considering Urolift look for Urolift Centers of Excellence for more experienced providers. If you...
  13. B

    A cruel irony of TRT

    I'm 75, been on TRT for about 8 years. Enjoying sex just about every other dayone way on another. Wife not as into it but usually accommodating for which I am grateful. As a nurse practitioner working in regenerative med and men's health I have learned that some practitioners won't treat half a...
  14. B

    Alpha blocker and effects

    Download the IPSS-Int'l Prostate Symptom Score. Do it every now and then to see how you're doing. If it gets to the point of needing treatment, check out Urolift. I'm 75. Had mine last year. Easy, quick, no catheters, no surgery, effective and no sexual side effects. Might even be a bit better.
  15. B

    CVS Caremark denies (TRT) prescription

    Skip insurance. Use goodrx. Even cheaper sometimes.