Recent content by Annte

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    Tips on how to blend propionate with enanthate (or cypionate)?

    I Did exakt this on my trip too Mallorca i premixed 13 days of test e an p mix. But when i started too do my daily dosage i only got 7 days out off the vial
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    Red sun looking face and cheast.

    Ok yes its pailer under the hair but That is not strange You dont get any sun light. If You hange You head uppside down offcourse You gonna be red all the blood gos to the head
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    Red sun looking face and cheast.

    Thanks yes i do the same thing. Woow 25mg eod i would be sick If i cut my dosage so lowe. I ben on trt for 10 years and tryied too self eduqate my self. We have so vad dr in Sweden the only thing the dr knows is putting Every body on Nebido. Took me 6 years too get test Enathe. One time i...
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    Red sun looking face and cheast.

    Yes thanks im going too do a big blood panel in 6 weeks then i Will put them upp here.
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    Red sun looking face and cheast.

    What i mean whit good is That all off the blood panels is in range. So i dont have a clue
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    Red sun looking face and cheast.

    You Didnt talk about estrogen?!
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    Red sun looking face and cheast.

    Why do You say small cyckle when it come too Jay campell??
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    Red sun looking face and cheast.

    thanks for the help
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    Red sun looking face and cheast.

    My blood panels are good. 140 mg test Enahathe split into eod. So If You think That is a small cyckle so be it.
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    Red sun looking face and cheast.

    Ok i leave a very healthy lifestyle i dont drink alkohol. The strange thing is That i dissiper when iv tryied proviron or Masteron whith trt. So i thouht it was the estrogen. But i hear You the same knowledge Jay campbell is spreeding.
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    Red sun looking face and cheast.

    Does any body sugffering from redface get better result whit an Ai?