Recent content by AndrogenHacker

  1. AndrogenHacker

    DEA extends telemedicine prescribing of controlled substances, for now.

    Thank God. Thanks for the update. Good work gentleman.
  2. AndrogenHacker

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    It's a calling for sure. The pay is good enough that I'm able to support my wife and 2 little boys as the sole breadwinner. That's all I need. Your absolutely right it can be extremely hard mentally and physically and a lot of nurses get burnt out. It takes a very specific Unique mindset to be...
  3. AndrogenHacker

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    You know, it's hard to say for sure from the trenches looking up, but if I had to give a concert answer, I would say yes. Those early days, it seemed like no one ever made it. I am not sure if it's because of better treatment or because the severity of the virus after mutation has lessened or...
  4. AndrogenHacker

    My wife has colon cancer.

    I'm sorry to here this Vince. If it's bad but hasn't spread yet, my vote goes to physical removal over chemo. This is coming from what I've seen from my experiences as a nurse and the mindset of quality of life. Chemo is so hard on the body. P.S. I'm not a doctor. Best wishes brother.
  5. AndrogenHacker

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    I'm still here. My wife recently had surgery so I've not been at work in a while so I can care for her and my two boys. I do know that my state currently has the highest rates of covid since it's all started. I can say this: We have multiple covid floors and all of them are full to the brim...
  6. AndrogenHacker

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    90% of the patients I'm assigned to are either paralyzed or in a medically induced coma. The other 10% are at a very minimum intubated and sedated. I can't remember the last time a patient was able to talk to me.
  7. AndrogenHacker

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    I'm not sure how I overlooked this comment. Thank you for sharing this!
  8. AndrogenHacker

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    Your knowledge of non-ICU patients is more than likely superior to mine. With the exception of this thread, up to this point since COVID, I do everything in my power not to think/talk about COVID when I'm not at work. No comment on Vitamin C.
  9. AndrogenHacker

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    Yes and no. If you look at the statistics you're quoting in isolation, you are correct. One major difference that immediately comes to mind from personal experience is resource utilization. Unlike H1N1, once a patient with COVID reaches the point of intubation, it's essentially game over...
  10. AndrogenHacker

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    I tend to agree with most of this. The spread of the virus is definitely correlated with summer/younger people being careless, I can't say that the age of the patients I see in ICU has been lower (on average). As mentioned above, I'm only very occasionally seeing patients < 50 who end up sick...
  11. AndrogenHacker

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    I've typed up an answer to this question several times and each time I feel like its crossing the line (rule 2 in OP). Sorry man! I just don't feel comfortable answering this.
  12. AndrogenHacker

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    I'm not here to argue science. I'm here to give you a first hand account of what I'm seeing "in the trenches". I'm telling you: There is, without question, a noticable difference in the clinical course of covid positive patients today vs. those from 3 or 4 months ago. I suppose it could be...
  13. AndrogenHacker

    Im a COVID ICU nurse. Ask me (almost) anything.

    It's not common practice to test for hormones in the critical care type setting... Ever... In the 6 years I've been an ICU nurse, I've seen testosterone levels checked once. And that was only because I pushed for it. The patient was a young bodybuilder who has an ischemic stroke because of...