Recent content by ALEX

  1. A

    Red Chest and High Hematocrit

    Hi Nelson !! here you can see your old advice for me ... I confess that I forgot this one. Now after many phlebotomies along the time my Ferritin is very low ( 35 ) and may TSI is just 22%. So my labs can show a lack of Iron though I don't have anemia . I'm feeling week and losing hair ... also...
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    Nandrolone (Deca Durabolin): Effect on Lab Tests

    Hello Luke 76 !! Please I’d like your opinion if you don’t mind ... It’s was really very interesting,your post on Nandrolone. It has just opened a new gate for me. I’ve been on TRT over the last 10 years. Great results with Testosterone, so far. After a Bike accident 30 days ago, I’m now on a...
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    Snoring on TRT

    I'm facing this problem ... snoring and sleep apnea. It's getting worse and now I've just bought a CPAP device to get some help. Currently I'm on Cyp Test twice a week SC. I'm wondering if I change for T cream again in order to figure out if on this system the symptoms can improve. So comes a...
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    TRT and Bags Under Eyes: Water retention?

    Bruin, Tks for your comments. Therefore I have a question: Do you think that HCG can cause liquid retention by its own or just by its effect on Estradiol ?
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    TRT and Bags Under Eyes: Water retention?

    Bruin, Tks for your comments. Therefore I have a question: Do you think that HCG can cause liquid retention by its own or just by its effect on Estradiol ?
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    TRT and Bags Under Eyes: Water retention?

    Please can you tell us a little more about "Semorlin" and its effects ? I would apreciate. Tks.
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    TRT and Bags Under Eyes: Water retention?

    Hi Tommy ! Do you also have liquid retention in your calves or foot ? Do you know about your TSH level ? ( Hipotireoid is one of the top causes of such bags under the yes ) What about your current Estradiol ? ( Another common cause for liquid retention ... ) Another cause : GH therapy in...
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    Hi Nelson. I totally agree with you in this matter. However I have a question : What about the cases with low or very low SHBG ? A Estradios level of 30pg/ml is high enough to use Anastrozol ?
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    Hi, Vince. I also have low SHBG and I saw that you have your T shots EOD because of that. Please, could you explain the advantage of doing so ? Sorry if maybe you have already done such explanation. tks.
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    Red Chest and High Hematocrit

    I've calculated the right amount of blood to be withdrawed in total. The result was 1300 ml to achieve a Hb level of 14. So today more 200 ml of whole blood. Yesterday + today total is 450 ml . I'm gonna give a break of 15 days and withdraw a little more blood. Feeling much better today, less...
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    Injections not working

    Aren't you on HCG as well ? I think It could improve your ED issues ... Have you tried Anastrozol to lower your E2 ? Maybe with this association well balanced you could solve or improve the ED.
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    Red Chest and High Hematocrit

    Phlebotomia and withdrawed 250 ml today. I'm thinking about more 250ml tomorrow and a new blood test to check it out.
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    Red Chest and High Hematocrit

    My new labs : Hb= 18 Ht = 52% so I decided for a new Phlebotomy and donate more blood. Let's see what is gonna happen with red chest after the procedure. It seems high Ht is really causing the red chest.
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    Red Chest and High Hematocrit

    Tks for answering Nelson and Tommy. I think that all the possibilities you wrote must be considered. In my case, I guess that Nitric Oxide or high hematocrit are the major possibilities. I will donate more blood and see what happens. I will keep you guys posted. Tks
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    Red Chest and High Hematocrit

    I've been trying to figure out the reason for my red chest after starting TRT. I thought it was due to high Estradiol, but even if I adjust it to good levels or less then normal range, the red chest is still there. I'd like to hear from you guys about the possibility of high hematocrit causing...