SC injections testosterone enanthate in castor oil


Today was my 4th experiance with sc injection of TRT. In general I feel great after long time of stragling with Androgel and testomax (both gels) and IM Nebido 1000mg/4ml.
I am using now Testoviron Depot (Bayer) which is testosterone enanthate 250 mg/ml in castor oil & benzyl benzoate.
Up to now each SC injection, about 0.5 ml, caused an irritation, redness and itching at the injection site starting 1-2 days after injection lasting few days. I wonder if this reaction is normal and appears also with the Sesame oil formulations, the commons vehicle of testosterone esters in the US.
Anyone have experience with administration testoviron depot (Bayer formulation) sc?
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I like you struggled with topicals. Numbers all over the place, worries of contamination etc.

Switched to sub-q with T-Cyp. Took a short while and levels stabilized and in general feel much better. I have heard the T-E has potential to be more irritating though I've never used it to confirm. Why not try Cyponate instead?

Other than the occasional lump or slight injection irritation it's been easy.

Just my thoughts

Thanks Dave for your suggestion. The T-Cyp is not possible at my end as it is not registered. I have only two options of injectables: the Nebido 1000mg/4ml supplied as single unit for single application in a glass ampoule, (T- undecanate inj. is not registered in the USA as FDA opposed its registration and use in the USA, Aveed ) or the T-En 250mg/ml in glass ampoule . Both in the same vehicle , castor oil benzyl Benzoate. In my case, I am strugling with the ineffcency of the 2 registered gels and the two high dose injectables. Not to mention the unauthorized Sub-Q injection.
I know I am reviving an old thread, but maybe you're still watching. :)

I've been using small doses of Bayer Androtardyl (belgium) which sounds like the same product as you: test enthanate, 250 mg plus BB in huile de ricin (castor oil). I am about 7 biweekly doses into it, and while I had one jab turn into a firm bit of oil, mostly it's been fine.

Then in the last couple of days I have had almost all of the injection sites get itchy and red, whilst slightly raised. I was concerned about developing sensitivity/allergy, as I know some can have sensitivity to topical castor oil, and as we are injecting s/q, I was considering whether there could be some dermal irritation. I've just put a drop on my skin, and am waiting to see if any similar irritation develops in the next few days.

I'm wondering what happened with yours? Did you switch products, or notice any changes in the spots?
I am using now weekly injections of 0.35 ml. Most of the time getting the same reaction but can't find why.
Some of the times the reaction is not notice able, some times it is mild and some of the times stronger reaction lasting over a week.
Wondering whether it is some allergy or just due to the way of injection or infection....
In my place the only authorized formulations are testoviron and nebido both in same wehicle from the same manufaturer.
so I am worried what if the sensitivity/allergy go worse.
Can I ask how long a needle you are using? I was wondering if perhaps (even though it is sq) I need to inject a little more deeply. Just trying to brainstorm about possible causes and what I can change to see if I can solve the problem.
Unlike most the best for sub-q T-cyp is a 27ga. 1/2" fixed tip syringe. Unlike most who use 30-31 ga (fine for HCG ) the larger guage fills easier and injects at lower psi which cause less tissue damage do to oil viscosity. Also less waste with fixed tip syringe too. Been using this needle for almost 2 years with excellent results.....recommendation of one of top TRT Docs in country FYI. ;)
The US market dominnate formulation is T-cyp in sesem oil . I am using 26ga 3/8" removable syringe with T-En in castor oil Benzyl benzoate (Bayer). The only formulation available in single dose glass vial. It is hard to draw or even imposible with the fixed thin and length needle (just 2 mm difference with the 1/2") . I apply gentel heat in order to lower viscosity to allow the matter flow. I use two seprate syringes. I do not know whether the syringe length or ga or the oil vehicle are the reasons. Any one can comment?
Dave, the psi matters of course, and even though I have been using a 30g, I drip it in intentionally to not damage the tissue, but it makes sense to try your suggestion.

Also, these syringes are slightly more shallow at 8mm (approx 0.3 in). I have a hard time finding the small syringes I need (I am taking tiny TRT doses and find I can't measure very accurately unless I am using something like a 0.3 ml syringe, so choice are limited).

Eli, I am also wondering along the lines that you are: is it the carrier oil, or the needle gauge or depth? I am going to try changing the two concerning the needle to see if I get better results and I will report back.
The US market dominnate formulation is T-cyp in sesem oil . I am using 26ga 3/8" removable syringe with T-En in castor oil Benzyl benzoate (Bayer). The only formulation available in single dose glass vial. It is hard to draw or even imposible with the fixed thin and length needle (just 2 mm difference with the 1/2") . I apply gentel heat in order to lower viscosity to allow the matter flow. I use two seprate syringes. I do not know whether the syringe length or ga or the oil vehicle are the reasons. Any one can comment?

I thought that most test cyp. in in cotton seed oil?

But in any case the viscosity of castor oil is about 10 times that of cotton seed or sesame seed oil, which is why it will be much harder to draw and inject.

And I might add that the viscosity of cotton seed and sesame seed oils is high enough to prevent any appreciable pressure at the outlet end of the needle, so gauge size is irrelevant as far as tissue damage is concerned.
A little trick to make loading and injecting easier; heat up some water to near boiling point. When ready, drop your test vial into the hot water and let sit for about 4 to 5 minutes.

Remove the vial and load a syringe and inject right away.

You'll be amazed how easier it is and the heat does not effect the drug in any way whatsoever.
A little trick to make loading and injecting easier; heat up some water to near boiling point. When ready, drop your test vial into the hot water and let sit for about 4 to 5 minutes.

Remove the vial and load a syringe and inject right away.

You'll be amazed how easier it is and the heat does not effect the drug in any way whatsoever.

Thanks Gene. Do you mean that the viscosity of the castor oil -benzlbenzoate at this temp will alow loading the syringe via 26ga?
Hi Gene,

That is exactly what I do already, pop the vial into a some hot water before I draw through 30g. Both the OP and I are getting itchy, reddish raised welts from injecting the test e in castor oil SQ.

I am trying to work out what the problem it, I thought it might be a) my short needle means I am injecting too shallowly, b) my 30g needle creates too much pressure and damages tissue, and I am getting local histamine/inflammatory rx as a result (I inject slowly, but maybe a larger gauge would improve it?) and/or c) I have some sensitivity to castor oil.

I've tried the castor oil topically and have not yet had a reaction, but that still doesn't rule anything out.

I thought to try a smaller gauge needle, and injecting a bit more deeply. Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks!
I thought that most test cyp. in in cotton seed oil?

But in any case the viscosity of castor oil is about 10 times that of cotton seed or sesame seed oil, which is why it will be much harder to draw and inject.

And I might add that the viscosity of cotton seed and sesame seed oils is high enough to prevent any appreciable pressure at the outlet end of the needle, so gauge size is irrelevant as far as tissue damage is concerned.

The OP and I both have test E in castor oil.
The reaction severity with same needle is not reproducible (ga 26, 10mm 3/8" in my case). Is it likely to rule out the sensitivity/allergy due to the active or the oil? May be improper Injection sanitation area issue?
I am using all the time the 26 ga needle some of the time i am welt free to very little and some time I get a larger one. I am now using the material for about over 6 month in about a weekly schedule. No conclusion when and why. our over the atlanic friend seem not to have such a problem . But they are not using this formulation mostly, different ester and different oil. My point is that the welt size and etching is not always the same. if it was an allergy or sensetivity to the composition I would expect it be the same each time or even escalet with time . You are using finner needel 30ga and get it. Each time the same ?
Some people just have a negative reaction to SQ injections.

I've seen it on another forum I Moderated and while the incidence seems to be small there are some who just don't tolerate SQ injections.

Do you get the same result if you use different fat pads on the body as well?

I gave up SQ injections some time ago as I find IM to be just as easy with no neg side whatsoever.
I get the occasional lump and sometimes some itching around my navel where I tend to inject Sub-Q This is infrequent and fairly minor so no big issue. Unlike Gene I prefer Sub-Q vs IM particularly as I inject EOD and it seems to work better for my body We are all different and it takes some time and experimentation to find what works best for your body.
Hi Gene, do you mean by negative reaction or intolerance just the lump development an itching at the injection spot? in my case it is occurred at all spots used, but not all of the times. that why I wonder if it is related to insufficient sanitation with alcohol, viscosity of the oil at the time of injection or some other factor that i miss.
In IM you really do not know what is happening in there to compare.
I do not know if it is real, but since I chnged injection site to the side theblood work show higher total T than front area by 50% . I think you mentioned this phenomena in one of your posts.

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