First post - started TRT 8 days ago, questions about protocol and Primary diagnosis


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Hello everyone.

Like most of you probably, I am an avid consumer of the information free-for-all we call the internet, and when I first learned that my testosterone levels were low, I scoured the web for hours upon end, realizing very quickly that there are a lot of people with strong opinions about TRT, but seemingly few that grasp the endless subtleties and intricacies of the human endocrine system. All this to say I am fortunate and glad that I found - it has been a source of clear and reasonable voices on the topic of TRT.

Though I have read many of the forum posts, this is my first time posting, so please forgive me if this should be posted somewhere else. I'll gladly repost to the proper place if needed.

I am a 33 yo IT professional with two young children (3 year old son and 3 month old baby daughter). The last few years I have struggled with (what I now know to be) low testosterone symptoms. Low energy. No drive. Nonexistent libido. Fuzzy logic and inability to make important decisions. Weight gain. Declining gym performance. All of it. When I needed it most, my sense of manhood quite literally disappeared. My relationship with my fiance is hanging on by a thread. I recently lost my job. Worst of all, I can't keep up with my kids, and instead of enjoying them as I should be, caring for them has become an energy zapping ordeal that I often find myself dreading. Hard to admit this, but it's true. Even the most enjoyable parts of life can become a chore when your energy level is in the toilet.

I am 6'-0" and weigh about 260 lbs. Up until my late 20's, I weighed between 210 - 220, but then abruptly put on 40+ lbs that I have lost and gained back several times, never able to keep it off long. I workout daily. Weights 3 - 4 days/wk and light cardio on off days. Right around when I gained the weight, I lost my libido and my sense of self confidence.

I struggled for the last few years and about 7 weeks ago, my PCP drew labs to look at my thyroid. I asked that he also check my total testosterone while he was at it. My tT came out to be 231 (ref range 250 - 827). My PCP was not able to give any recommendation on what to do but gave me a referral to a local endocrinologist. I had to wait 6+ weeks to see the endo, so I found an anti-aging doc and told him about my recent blood test. He recommended that I get further blood work (see below) and suggested I start clomid @ 25 mg / day, which he promptly prescribed. I started the clomiphene the next day (June 22) @ the recommended 25 mg dose. After a bit of research I decided to reduce my clomid dose to 12.5 mg EOD (so 1/4 the prescription amt). After about 4 - 5 days or so I began to have an intense headache, which progressed to get worse each day. I had not changed anything else and the headaches were not going away so I was pretty sure that clomid was the cause. I halted the clomiphene and the headaches went away within 24 hours or so. In all I believe I took about 75 - 100 mg of clomid, in total.

These were the labs, pre-clomid:

June 2:
  • Total T: 231 (250 - 827)
  • Free Thyroxine (t4): 1.0 (0.8 - 1.8)
  • Free t3: 3.0 (2.3 - 4.2)
  • b12: 355 (200 - 1100)
  • Folate: 16.3 (normal >5.0)
  • TSH w/REFLEX to FT4: 1.15 (0.4 - 4.5)

June 21 (day before starting clomid):

  • FSH: 6.3 (1.6 - 8.0)
  • LH: 4.1 (1.5 - 9.3)
  • Total T: 387 (250 - 1100)
  • Free Testosterone: 49.4 (46.0 - 224.0)
  • Bioavailable T: 108 (110.0 - 575.0)
  • SHBG: 33 (10 - 55)
  • Albumin: 4.8 (3.6 - 5.1)
  • SHBG (again, same day, not sure why they did this): 35 (10 - 50)

I was not able to have a follow up appointment with the anti-aging doc to discuss the clomid headaches or to discuss the new labs from 6/21 and moved from CA to Oregon about two weeks ago. I found a local trt clinic in the Portland area and had my first appointment on 7/14 and had more blood work done there:

7/14 (2 weeks post clomid) - LabCorp:
  • TSH: .884 (.45 - 4.50)
  • Free t4: 1.2 ng/dl (.82 - 1.77)
  • LH: 9.4 mIU/mL (1.7 - 8.6)
  • Prolactin: 4.2 ng/mL (4.0 - 15.2)
  • hematocrit: 46.1% (37.5 - 51.0)
  • PSA: .2 ng/mL (0.0 - 4.0)
  • Testosterone, serum: 346 ng/dL (348 - 1197)
  • SHBG: 39.3 (16.5 - 55.9)
  • Estradiol: 27.7 pg/mL (7.6 - 42.6)
  • Free T*: 5.86 ng/dL (9 - 29)
  • glucose, serum: 84 mg.dL (65 - 99)
  • AST: 20 (0 - 40)
  • ALT: 26 (0 - 44)

*this was not in the lab report, but Dr. wrote it in

When I reviewed the most recent labs (7/14) with my new doctor, based on my low testosterone level coupled with high LH (9.4), he determined that I had Primary Hypogonadism, which I now understand to mean that the problem is with my testes and not my HPTA axis. He also suggested that I was smart to have stopped the clomid when I did and that the headaches may have been related to the clomiphene pushing already high LH levels even higher. I asked whether the high LH from the 7/14 labs could have been effected by the clomid, which I had stopped taking two weeks beforehand, and he said that it was highly unlikely that it could have boosted LH that high considering the short time I took it (about one week total) and the low total dosage (75 mg all together). From what I can tell, seems like he is right that clomid would not have such a drastic effect over such a short period of time, especially considering labs were taken 2 weeks after stopping. However, it looks like my labs from 6/21, 3 weeks prior, showed LH was at 4.1.

Until the doctor told me about my high LH levels, based on everything I had read, I thought I was likely to be secondary. I had a few head injuries from motorcycle and car accidents. I also used painkillers daily for the past few years. So I was not surprised to learn I was hypogonadal, but I was not expecting the Primary diagnosis (any thoughts on this would be appreciated). Is it normal for LH to fluctuate to such a degree (more than doubled in 3 weeks from 4.1 to 9.4)? Could clomid from 2 weeks prior still be effecting LH values? The new doctor here in Oregon suggested that I start TRT immediately, which I began on 7/18.

The doctor prescribed:

  • Testosterone Cypionate @180 mg/week (90 mg e3.5) [+ 300 mg injection 7/18, then begin @180/wk yesterday 7/25- is this normal??)
  • Anastrazole @ 1.25 mg 24 hours after each T injection, so 2.5 mg / week (this seems like a lot??)
  • HCG @ 500 mg 24 hours prior to each T injection, so 1000 mg / week

At this point, my main questions/concerns are:

  1. Am I actually primary hypogonadal or is the clomid responsible for LH of 9.4?
  2. Is 180 mg of Test C/week broken up into two doses e 3.5 days a good dose for me to start at?
  3. Is 2.5 mg Anastrazole too much for this protocol? How about the timing of 24 hours post T injection? should I be taking Anastrazole yet or should I wait until I see how the Test alone effects my e2 before?
  4. HCG at 1000 mg/week a reasonable dose? Should I even be taking HCG if I do not plan on having any more kids for at least a year or two from now? (Doctors assistant I met with yesterday said taking HCG would protect me from crashing T if I ever decided to stop TRT - is she right about this? Sounds tgtbt)
  5. Does this doctor seem like he knows his shit or should I look elsewhere? My next appointment is for labs in 8 weeks. (Any recommendation for docs in the Portland, OR area would be appreciated, too)
  6. When might I expect to begin noticing effects of TRT? Any effects that come on first usually?

Thanks in advance, any input is appreciated. Lots to learn!
Welcome to Excelmale. We'll wave as you head off to hormone hell. That's where your doctor is sending you with a protocol that screams incompetence. Across the board, I have no doubt, you are taking too much of everything - testosterone, anastrozole, and HCG. No good will come of this.

You're choosing to be treated by a t-mill. It's a place that will run your total testosterone to the sky at the beginning of therapy - no capable doctor prescribes a loading dose as you have been given. He is hoping that you will feel a quick rush, and then he smacks you with an AI to try and control the inevitable estradiol peak that will follow as surely as night follows day. You now have a dose of testosterone - week to week - at the upper end of normal, and an AI dose that is perfect...for a woman recovering from breast cancer. And HCG far in excess of what you need. You're almost certain to crash your estradiol levels, a misery I wish on no man.

Please find ine a new doctor. You deserve quality care.
This is what I was afraid of. I will find another doctor. Any suggestions for more reasonable dosage range in the meantime would be appreciated. I have only taken the loading dose (300 mg) and one half of one week's dose (90 mg) so far. For the anastrazole, I only took .5 mg yesterday (though I did take the 1.25 following the loading dose, as it was given to me in the doctors office). If I begin a more reasonable protocol now, will I still be headed to 'hormone hell'?
There's no loading dose in goodness.

If this is the way you're going to be treated the most likely negative that you're going to experience is with your need Estrogen and this guy is giving many times over enough Anastrozole to take your Estrogen to zero; overdosed. Tanked (0) estrogen is a very bad place for a man, you'll physically feel terrible and you won't be able to get it up no matter you do or drug you take.

All of this is very old way of thinking...HCG 24hrs prior to injection was meant to stimulate your nuts as a little bridge to your next injection. 500iu twice per week isn't too much and is rather common but is on the upper end of TRT doses.

I think 180mg total is a little much for starting out, 120 or even 140 is more common.
This is what I was afraid of. I will find another doctor. Any suggestions for more reasonable dosage range in the meantime would be appreciated. I have only taken the loading dose (300 mg) and one half of one week's dose (90 mg) so far. For the anastrazole, I only took .5 mg yesterday (though I did take the 1.25 following the loading dose, as it was given to me in the doctors office). If I begin a more reasonable protocol now, will I still be headed to 'hormone hell'?

Set aside the AI. You've had 1.75mg of it in a very short period of time. That's an enormous dose for a man. A typical starting dose of testosterone is 50-60mg every 3.5 days. I would continue the HCG as prescribed since it may help your estradiol levels recover from the onslaught of anastrozole.

Did this practice lock you into a contract?
Set aside the AI. You've had 1.75mg of it in a very short period of time. That's an enormous dose for a man. A typical starting dose of testosterone is 50-60mg every 3.5 days. I would continue the HCG as prescribed since it may help your estradiol levels recover from the onslaught of anastrozole.

Did this practice lock you into a contract?

No I did not sign any contract. Thankfully. There are seemingly few doctors in the Portland, OR area that do TRT and of those that do, the only one that I can find that does injections rather than pellets or gels/creams. I think I'm going to try to switch to Defy asap. In the meantime I will cut my testosterone down to 60 mg e 3.5, keep HCG as is and wait to talk to Defy before taking any more AI. Thank you for helping me straighten this out. I feel fortunate to have caught this before getting any further as I suspected this protocol was off.
Thanks. I am stopping the AI. Is there anything I can do (aside from continuing HCG, as CoastWatcher mentioned) to avoid impending E2 crash? Or are you saying that the crash is inevitable only IF I continue the AI at 2.5 mg/wk?
No I did not sign any contract. Thankfully. There are seemingly few doctors in the Portland, OR area that do TRT and of those that do, the only one that I can find that does injections rather than pellets or gels/creams. I think I'm going to try to switch to Defy asap. In the meantime I will cut my testosterone down to 60 mg e 3.5, keep HCG as is and wait to talk to Defy before taking any more AI. Thank you for helping me straighten this out. I feel fortunate to have caught this before getting any further as I suspected this protocol was off.

Your study and your instincts were on the mark when you realized you had to be your own advocate. Defy would certainly be a good choice - call them and ask for a package of material, and ask them all the blunt questions you can think of.
Thanks. I am stopping the AI. Is there anything I can do (aside from continuing HCG, as CoastWatcher mentioned) to avoid impending E2 crash? Or are you saying that the crash is inevitable only IF I continue the AI at 2.5 mg/wk?

Yes I think I'm reading it correctly...that much AI = crash
Gotcha. Thanks! I wasn't sure if you were saying that I was already headed for a crash after taking 1.75 mg over last 8 days or if I'd crash only if I continued the prescribed weekly amt.
Its a shame you don't have any E2 labs before starting clomid. The good news about your E2 crashing....If you are like I was is that your E2 was probably already in the basement to begin with with your low T. You may not feel too much worse then you already are but this is pure guessing on my part. Good luck to you and you found a good place for information - always be your own advocate for your health. As others have said, run don't walk from this Doctor.
Its a shame you don't have any E2 labs before starting clomid. The good news about your E2 crashing....If you are like I was is that your E2 was probably already in the basement to begin with with your low T. You may not feel too much worse then you already are but this is pure guessing on my part. Good luck to you and you found a good place for information - always be your own advocate for your health. As others have said, run don't walk from this Doctor.

Thank you. I have read that clomid can increase E2 as it boosts T, but didn't realize that it could have been effected at such a small amt and duration (75 mg over one week period). Since the e2 values were from blood work drawn two weeks after the clomid (and considering there was no increase in T), I would have thought the 27.7 pg/mL (7.6 - 42.6) is probably close to where it was at baseline.
Time line for you to starting feeling the effects of TRT, weeks for some, months for others. I'm 15 weeks in and slowly showing signs of improvements. The stickys here will basically provide you with invaluable information that can make you more informed than most doctors.
Time line for you to starting feeling the effects of TRT, weeks for some, months for others. I'm 15 weeks in and slowly showing signs of improvements. The stickys here will basically provide you with invaluable information that can make you more informed than most doctors.

Thank you - good to know. I am trying to keep my expectations at bay. It's taken a lifetime to get myself into this mess, I can't expect to find my way out of it without time and hard work. For me, the most important area where I am looking for improvement in is my energy levels and motivation/drive so that I can get back to work and provide for my family that is depending on me. The improvements in body composition and overall health will be appreciated, surely, but I want my vitality back more than anything. Now that you are slowly noticing signs of improvement, what types of things are you noticing?
Thank you - good to know. I am trying to keep my expectations at bay. It's taken a lifetime to get myself into this mess, I can't expect to find my way out of it without time and hard work. For me, the most important area where I am looking for improvement in is my energy levels and motivation/drive so that I can get back to work and provide for my family that is depending on me. The improvements in body composition and overall health will be appreciated, surely, but I want my vitality back more than anything. Now that you are slowly noticing signs of improvement, what types of things are you noticing?

Well I'm on 75mg weekly which puts me at about 650 ng/dL and in the first week I noticed an incredible libido and my brain fog had lifted, but the libido and cognitive faded after the first week. I felt like I was sliding backwards treatment wise and became quite frustrated. About three months into it all I notice small improvements in cognition and by the fourth month I noticed my muscles getting firmer, body composition changes occurring, libido improving and a little more energy. I guess I'm one of those guys where it's going to take longer to get the full effects of TRT, I envy those that respond quickly! I tried working out in the gym and have noticed recovery times are insanely long (7-10 days) to where it's slowing me down at work, I guess it's a bit too early for gym.

The most helpful advice is be patient, I see a lot of guys give up too early in treatment because they want immediate results.
Thank you - good to know. I am trying to keep my expectations at bay. It's taken a lifetime to get myself into this mess, I can't expect to find my way out of it without time and hard work. For me, the most important area where I am looking for improvement in is my energy levels and motivation/drive so that I can get back to work and provide for my family that is depending on me. The improvements in body composition and overall health will be appreciated, surely, but I want my vitality back more than anything. Now that you are slowly noticing signs of improvement, what types of things are you noticing?

A lot of us know exactly how you feel believe me. I am in to it about 10 months now. I saw very fast improvements in libido, I am just now beginning to be able to have intercourse without tadalafil, my energy levels are up and down still and my cognitive is much better but it feels like it's slipping now but I think it might be my high E2 levels now (which I am trying to correct for by decreasing my HCG from 800mg/week to 400mg per week)

Like systemord you will notice differences in your body after a few weeks/months. I have more muscle definition again and I don't even work out. I really want to but still cant find the time...I just walk everynight.
Well I'm on 75mg weekly which puts me at about 650 ng/dL and in the first week I noticed an incredible libido and my brain fog had lifted, but the libido and cognitive faded after the first week. I felt like I was sliding backwards treatment wise and became quite frustrated. About three months into it all I notice small improvements in cognition and by the fourth month I noticed my muscles getting firmer, body composition changes occurring, libido improving and a little more energy. I guess I'm one of those guys where it's going to take longer to get the full effects of TRT, I envy those that respond quickly! I tried working out in the gym and have noticed recovery times are insanely long (7-10 days) to where it's slowing me down at work, I guess it's a bit too early for gym.

The most helpful advice is be patient, I see a lot of guys give up too early in treatment because they want immediate results.

I appreciate the advice to be patient. I know it can take some time to get dialed in. I can only hope that I am able to avoid some of the pitfalls and delays to getting dialed in if at all possible. Had I not found this site when I did, who knows how long I would have kept up with the 180 mg T and 2.5 mg anastrazol before I realized the mistake of crashing e2 with excessive AI.

Just curious, how are you able to tell you are not revovered until 7 to 10 days? You just feel really sore or does it sap your energy for that long? Despite my many issues I do feel my workout recovery seems to be pretty good. I am rarely sore for longer than a day or less, even when I push hard or lift consecutive days.
I appreciate the advice to be patient. I know it can take some time to get dialed in. I can only hope that I am able to avoid some of the pitfalls and delays to getting dialed in if at all possible. Had I not found this site when I did, who knows how long I would have kept up with the 180 mg T and 2.5 mg anastrazol before I realized the mistake of crashing e2 with excessive AI.

Just curious, how are you able to tell you are not revovered until 7 to 10 days? You just feel really sore or does it sap your energy for that long? Despite my many issues I do feel my workout recovery seems to be pretty good. I am rarely sore for longer than a day or less, even when I push hard or lift consecutive days.

Well I lost all my muscle mass over a two year period when my T dropped down to almost zero, sometimes going up to 119 ng/dL. I was withdrawing off of a medication (Klonopin) that stresses out all the glands in the body after long term usage, so it's no surprise to my doctor as was told that my T would drop to almost nothing. My doctor wanted to see if I could recover naturally before going on TRT. It all depends on where you are coming from physically, if you're in good shape then it shouldn't be to bad for you. My muscles four months ago had more in common with fatty tissue than muscle, four months ago I could barely get up a flight of stairs.
Well I lost all my muscle mass over a two year period when my T dropped down to almost zero, sometimes going up to 119 ng/dL. I was withdrawing off of a medication (Klonopin) that stresses out all the glands in the body after long term usage, so it's no surprise to my doctor as was told that my T would drop to almost nothing. My doctor wanted to see if I could recover naturally before going on TRT. It all depends on where you are coming from physically, if you're in good shape then it shouldn't be to bad for you. My muscles four months ago had more in common with fatty tissue than muscle, four months ago I could barely get up a flight of stairs.

Wow I feel you on the k-pin wd's. I quit xanax cold turkey 3.5 years ago after daily use of 2+ mg. It was terrible. Absolutely destroyed my life. I did not lose much if any muscle mass but it surely took its toll on my body. I was unaware of the fact that benzo wd can bottom out your testosterone. No wonder I was feeling so terrible then. I wouldn't be surprised if it is still a factor in my hormonal issues to this day.
Xanax is even worse when withdrawing, it has more kick to it and is not as smooth as other benzos. I'm certain you had it much worse then I, was on it for 28 years at 2mg per day! It took 5 weeks for my body to know I had started tapering, took 1 year to withdraw.

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